2016年5月27日 星期五


  1. 讓它成為可執行的計劃。你應該確認你的計劃是明確而可行的,每項工作有清楚的工作進程安排,有完成時限要求。不要硬塞進你做不到的事情。
  2. 認清妨礙工作的威脅。所有的工作計劃都會面臨潛在的威脅,包含你自己逐漸失去興趣的動機,以及你的老闆的無能配合。了解這些潛在的威脅,能夠協助你準備好去面對它們。
  3. 制定面對挑戰的策略。你的工作執行應該得到有激勵的回饋,並且要面對可能的反對力量。如果威脅實在太大,你就應該考慮配合,修改你的工作計劃。
Ensure that your work plan is implemented faithfully
If it is not carried out properly, the most perfect plan is a pile of waste paper. In fact, most people have had the experience of having work plans piled on the bottom of a pile of files on your desk or in a folder on your computer that hasn't been opened for a long time.
The following practices will enable your work plan to be implemented faithfully:
  1. Make it an executable plan. You should make sure that your plan is clear and feasible. Every job has a clear schedule and a deadline for completion. Don't cram into things you can't do.
  2. Recognize the threats that hinder work. All work plans face potential threats, including your own incentives to lose interest and your employer's inability to cooperate. Understanding these potential threats can help you prepare for them.
  3.  Develop strategies to face challenges. Your performance should be motivated by feedback and confronted with possible opposition. If the threat is too great, you should consider cooperating and modifying your work plan.

2016年5月25日 星期三



Know the successful people in the company and help them succeed
Success in business is not about finding the brightest answer, but about finding a viable solution.
Finding out who and what are the real ways to make them successful will be more convincing and effective. Ask the people in the company who can make things work, how they do it, and what resources support their success.  
Keep curious about those who can succeed, and observe what their internal motivation is, as well as who they are and how they affect those who succeed.  
All the information you collect in this way can convince you to succeed in the future.

2016年5月24日 星期二


  1. 參加網絡社群。這是習慣安靜的內向者比較適合的作法。例如,你可以寫寫博客文章,表達出你對某個主題的想法。然後,就有機會吸引人在網上和你交談。
  2. 建立11的聯繫。如果你在11的對話中可以感到比較舒適,而不習慣在大群人之間發言,那麼,你就為自己安排一次只和一個人對話。你可以每週分別邀請別的部門的同事一起聚餐,逐漸的,你就會建立起一個很有活力的人脈網。
  3. 展示個人標章。一些精巧的小玩意兒也可以幫助你建立起個人形象,而不勞你費一分口舌。例如,你可以在辦公室墻上掛上你的獎狀、證書,或是在辦公桌上放上你收集的精巧藝術品。
A way for introverts to build their personal image
Although many personal image-building practices tend to favour extroverts, such as acting as a leader, chairing professional associations, initiating a lecture, or giving a public speech, etc. Introverts can also have ways to build their personal image. 
  1. Join the online community. This is more appropriate for introverts who are accustomed to tranquility. For example, you can write a blog post to express your thoughts on a topic. Then, you have the opportunity to attract people to talk to you online. 
  2. Establish a one-to-one connection. If you can feel comfortable in a 1 on 1 conversation and are not used to speaking in large groups, then schedule yourself to talk to only one person at a time. You can invite colleagues from other departments to dinner each week and gradually you will build up a dynamic network of contacts. 
  3. Display your personal badge. Ingenious gadgets can also help you build up your personal image without a hassle of effort. For example, you can hang your certificate or certificate on the wall of your office, or put your collection of artwork on your desk.

2016年5月22日 星期日


  1. 查明以往的記錄。去看看以往你的績效評估記錄,或是推薦函。人們總是如何說起你
  2. 檢查你在網絡上出現過的痕跡。Google或是百度搜尋一下你自己。如果有任何對你有傷害性或是錯誤的鏈接或描述,你最好及早發現,并採取行動,以免你的客戶或是僱主會發現這些不良的痕跡。
  3. 對自己做360度的全面檢討。私下個別邀請你所信任的同事,你的老闆,以及你的部屬去喝咖啡。告訴他們你正努力要改善自己,請他們提供回饋:你哪些做得好?而哪些還需要改進?
Know what people actually think of you
You might think you really know what people think of you, maybe an experienced presenter, or a veteran supervisor, but you might be surprised at the real results.
To find out what people really think of you, try to do the following things:
  1. Identify past records. Look at your previous performance appraisal records, or recommendation letters. How do people always talk about you?
  2. Check your traces have appeared in the network. Using Google or Baidu search for your own. If any of you have hurt or wrong connection or description, you'd better find, and take action, so that your customers or employers will find these bad marks.
  3. To do a comprehensive review of 360 degrees. Private individual invited your trusted colleagues, your boss and your subordinates to drink coffee. Tell them what you are trying to improve yourself and ask them to provide feedback: what you do well? And what still needs to be improved?