- 去關注成果與獎勵。在還沒有列出大願景、劃出發展藍圖前,不要去注意執行的細節。讓自己多關注在如何達成大目標,儘可能不受執行細節來干擾你的思維。
- 不要對自己的決定心神不寧。一旦決定的事,如果你還老是修改作法,或是讓人感覺你舉棋不定,你很難說服別人來跟隨你。你應該先將項目執行出一定的結果,再來決定是否要改變基本方向。
- 該管就管。幾乎所有的項目都會有一些細節工作。當你推進到一些查覈點時, 你就必須進去檢查一些作業細節。
Don't let yourself focus too much on details
is one thing to ask oneself not to manage others in detail, and it is often
more difficult to control one's excessive attention to details.
following can help you avoid nagging about yourself and affect your progress:
- Focus on results and rewards. Don't pay attention to the details of implementation before you have a big vision and a blueprint for development. Let yourself focus more on how to achieve your big goals, as far as possible without the details of execution interfering with your thinking.
- Don't be upset about your decision. Once you decide something, it's hard to convince others to follow you if you're constantly changing your approach or making people feel like you're in a dichotomy. You should first implement the project to a certain extent, then decide whether to change the basic direction.
- The tube is in charge. Almost all projects have some details. When you push into some checkpoints, you have to go in and check some details of the work.