2016年4月1日 星期五


  1. 助人時,請注意對他的尊重。幫助他人是個美德。但是,有些時候也會遇到對方不領情的狀況,自己的熱臉貼到冷屁股上了。因此,當你下次要助人時,請注意先他有維護尊嚴、權威、地位、面子的需求。
  2. 你必須對他負責。對他提供援助若不得法,是要對他受到的損害負責的。例如,你不夠專業,反而弄巧成拙,讓對方陷入更困難的局面。又如,在你援助的過程中,侵犯了他的隱私。這些,都必須在你決定提供幫助前,先思考清楚。
Respect for helping others
Chinese proverb: [Helping others is the foundation of happiness. However, please don't only think about your own happiness, but also consider the feelings of the other party.
Below, there are two principles. Please pay attention to them.
  1. When helping others, please pay attention to his respect. Helping others is a virtue. However, sometimes they will encounter other people's ungrateful situation, their hot face sticking to the cold buttocks. Therefore, the next time you want to help others, please pay attention to his need to maintain dignity, authority, status and face.
  2. You must be responsible for him. If it is not lawful to provide assistance to him, he is responsible for the damage he has suffered. For example, you're not professional enough, but you're self-defeating, making the other party into a more difficult situation. For example, in the course of your assistance, you infringed on his privacy. All of these must be thought through before you decide to help.

2016年3月31日 星期四


  1. 如果是對陌生人或是剛結識的人。他會要求你對你犯的錯予以補償或是進行糾正。例如,你停車不小心擦撞、刮傷了他的車。他在發脾氣,你除了進行賠償,還能解釋什麼?
  2. 如果是對你的同事或是朋友。他們要的是同情。當你無意中做了傷害他們的事,他們要的是你承認傷害了他們,表示歉意。然後你們之間的信任關係就可以重新建立起來。
  3. 如果是對你的團隊成員。他們要的是你承認你破壞了團隊所制定的規矩,並且答應不會再這麼做。人孰無過,他們會理解并諒解你的過錯,并重新和你團結在一起。
When you apologize, don't keep talking about yourself
If you apologize in the wrong way, it may be self-defeating and make people hate you more. The person you want to apologize to is more reluctant to listen to your explanation.
Instead, you should ask yourself, "Who am I apologizing to?" What does he want to hear in my apology?
  1. For strangers or new acquaintances. He will ask you to compensate or correct your mistakes. For example, you accidentally bruised and scratched his car while parking. He's losing his temper. What can you explain besides making compensation?
  2. If it's for your colleagues or friends. They want sympathy. When you do something unintentionally that hurts them, they want you to admit that you hurt them and apologize. Then the trust between you can be rebuilt.
  3. If it's for your team members. They want you to admit that you have broken the rules set by the team and promise not to do it again. No one is guilty, they will understand and understand your fault, and reunite with you.


你是否曾經因為某個同事沒有做好她的工作而申飭她? 或是,你是否因為自己錯過了一個重要的期限,而影響到了同事的進度?
  1. 承認你做錯了。擔負起你該有的責任。
  2. 表現出你了解所造成的影響。不要假設你知道你的同事的感覺或是她如何想, 直接的說出你已經對她產生了負面的影響。
  3. 告訴她你以後會如何做。向她確保你以後不會再犯同樣的錯誤。告訴她你以後會改正
Make a meaningful apology
Have you ever applied to a colleague for not doing her job well? Or have you missed an important deadline and affected the progress of a colleague?
When you affect others because of your own mistakes, please correct them in the following ways:
  1. Admit that you did wrong. Take on your responsibilities.
  2. Show that you understand the impact. Don't assume that you know how your colleague feels or how she thinks, just say that you have had a negative impact on her.
  3. Tell her what you will do in the future. Make sure you don't make the same mistake again. Tell her you'll correct it later.

2016年3月30日 星期三


  1. 維護好你的名譽。你應該提供有趣或有價值的內容,吸引網民的注意,并鼓勵其他人分享,以及討論你的觀點。
  2. 展示專業。展現你的專業,建立與專家的鏈接,積極向這些專業人士學習,并提供相關的資訊或參考資料。
  3. 願意提供網上推薦服務。你願意介紹兩組原來沒有聯繫的人相互認識。因為他們之間可能有潛在的合作機會,你就有機會發揮更好的影響力,或是參與學習了解。
Build a better online network
Most managers now know how to use network tools to build and exploit networks. Now it is very convenient to use Facebook, Linkedln, micro-blog and other tools to develop industry and contact with colleagues.
To build a good online network, we must focus on three key points: reputation, professionalism, and online intermediaries.
  1. Maintain your reputation. You should provide interesting or valuable content to attract the attention of netizens, encourage others to share and discuss your views.
  2. Show profession. Show your profession, establish links with experts, actively learn from these professionals, and provide relevant information or reference materials.
  3. Is willing to provide online recommendation service. You would like to introduce two groups of people who were not in touch with each other. Because there may be potential cooperation opportunities between them, you will have the chance to play a better influence or participate in learning and understanding.

2016年3月29日 星期二



Strengthen your connections with activities and interests
Do you want to strengthen your relationship? You shouldn't run your network through gossip and carelessness.
Effective networking must rely on the fact that you can build your original connections through shared interests or inviting participation in common activities.
Whether you are involved in sports, community services, or cross - departmental activities, connect your connections to these common interests or activities to create a closer relationship.
These activities are usually not commercial activities, not through deliberate meetings, but also to show people's character, instinct and motivation.
This truth reveals people's sincerity and mutual trust and builds stronger interpersonal relationships.

2016年3月28日 星期一



Use your interpersonal network to dig good ideas

A good networking operator knows how to use it to quickly collect feedback from experts to solve problems he faces. These experts can include colleagues, suppliers, customers, and people with extensive knowledge and experience in your industry.
For example, when you need a project contractor, you can ask someone for an evaluation of a contractor's past projects. Or, can you consult how to effectively reduce the contract cost?
You can describe the situation you are facing, or present your own ideas, and then ask for advice or advice.
Doing so not only gives you the opportunity to gain valuable information, but also enables people in your network to know you better and be willing to discuss related issues with you in the future.

2016年3月27日 星期日


  1. 迎接擔心與寂寞。換工作經常連帶著會損失身份與進入收入不穩定階段。你要準備接受這是切換跑道,所必要經歷的過程。
  2. 不確定的發展途徑。改變職業代表將離開原來的坦途。你不知道下一步是否真的能如預期般順利,但是這也是必須接受的風險。
  3. 用新的心態面對。也許在你過去的職業生涯中,你用收入或是名聲來衡量你的成功,但是從今起你也許希望獲得更多的主導權、工作彈性,或是預備為這個世界帶來正面的衝擊。
Preparations for changing lanes halfway through the workplace
Whether you're preparing to start a business or joining a new company, switching the runway in the middle of the workplace is challenging.
Make the following preparations:
  1. Welcome worry and loneliness. Changing jobs often leads to loss of identity and income instability. You have to be prepared to accept that this is the process of switching the runway.
  2. Uncertain ways of development. Changing career representatives will leave the original path. You don't know if the next step will really go as smoothly as expected, but it's also a risk that must be accepted.
  3. Face it with a new mentality. Perhaps in your past career, you measured your success by income or reputation, but from now on you may want more leadership, flexibility, or preparation for a positive impact on the world.