2018年11月9日 星期五



Get More. Sleep
When you’re tired, you’re less effective at your job — it’s as simple as that. To prioritize sleep, start by accepting that working more doesn’t necessarily mean you’re doing better work.
Sleep deprivation takes a toll on your cognitive abilities, whether you notice the effects or not. Your caffeine consumption can be a good litmus test: If you need coffee just to make it through the morning, or even the afternoon, that may be a red flag.
Make a plan for how you’re going to sleep more. Some simple ideas: Set an alarm for when you’ll put down your work and leave the office. Stop using devices at least an hour before you go to bed. (Maybe even go to bed early once in a while.) Start the day with a short to-do list of essential tasks — and once it’s done, go home.
Remember, there will always be more work to do tomorrow. 

2018年11月6日 星期二



Getting Better at Handling Disappointments
Disappointments are inevitable and unpleasant —­ a missed promotion, a failed project, a poor investment — but you can always learn something from them.
To constructively deal with your next setback, think through what happened. Distinguish situations that were predictable and preventable from those that were unavoidable and beyond your control.
Ruminating over something that didn’t go your way — and that you couldn’t control — will only frustrate you further.
For situations that you could have handled differently, consider them in positive terms: What can you do differently next time? What lessons can you learn from the mistakes you made? And remind yourself of what’s going well in your life, so you don’t let the disappointment take an outsize role in your brain.
It might sound like a cliché, but keep the setback in perspective — and try to let it go. You may be tempted to play the situation over and over in your head, but staying preoccupied with it will only create unnecessary stress. 

2018年11月4日 星期日



Improve Your Emotional Intelligence with a Specific, Feedback-Based Plan
It’s not always obvious how to improve your emotional intelligence skills, especially because we often don’t know how others perceive us. To figure out where you can improve, start with a reality check: What are the major differences between how you see yourself and how others see you?
You can get this kind of feedback from a 360-degree assessment, a coach, or a skilled manager. Next, consider your goals. Do you want to eventually take on a leadership position? Be a better team member? Consider how your ambitions match up with the skills that others think you need to improve.
Then identify specific actions that you’ll take to improve those skills. Working on becoming a better listener? You might decide that when you’re talking with someone, you won’t reply until you’ve taken the time to pause and check that you understand what they said.
Whatever skill you decide to improve, use every opportunity to practice it, no matter how small.