2016年12月9日 星期五



How to get along with an unpredictable boss?
It’s really hard to get along with an unpredictable boss, and you never knowif he’ll be nice to you or if he’s going to say bad things to you the next minute.
No matter what you do, try not to deal with it as a personal relationship. You may say something that will cause a big storm, or you say something inappropriate in the wrong time and the wrong occasion.
As your boss roars, listen carefully to what is involved, rather than pay attention to his attitude. But you can notice what he is more sensitive to, and how he behaves? Figure out what makes him swing, what is the greedy bitter honey or sugar. The customer complained, or some emotions, make clear these, can help you know how to deal with the boss.

Finally, make sure you keep calm. If you follow your anger, will only make the situation worse. You don't want to say something in the storm when later regret.


  1. 提出他做得到的建議,而非只是反對。與其只是採用某個系統是錯誤的決定,不如說:“我們不妨和已經採用這套系統的其他用戶接觸,了解他們使用的經驗如何。你是否要我列出一個名單,并安排時間去拜訪?”
  2. 提供其他幾個選擇。若是只有“你的方案”或“我的方案”,似乎就有反對的意涵。比較好的做法,是提供幾套不同的方案來顯示出你的彈性,並請老闆給予他的偏好選擇。
  3. 避免使用極端選擇。例如,你的老闆厭惡有人描述他的意見是“最棒的”,或是“下一件大事”,換個方式陳述你的意見。
How do you tell the boss that you disagree?
Usually we hesitate to say no to the boss. You may think that you will be negatively perceived by your boss or you will fight against him. But many leaders will not hear enough about the company.
To express disapproval of the boss, try this.
  1. Make proposal he can do, rather than against it. And pointed out that the system is a wrong decision, as saying: "We might have contact other users who used to this system, to learn how to use their experience. Would  you like me to make a list to arrange time to visit?
  2.  Provide several other options. If you have "your plan" or "my plan", there seems to be a sense of opposition. A good practice is to provide several different solutions to show your flexibility and ask the boss to give him preference.
  3. Avoid using extreme language. For example, your boss hates anyone describing his opinion as "the best" or "next big thing".



Business management consultants should exercise their advice
The market is changing, and it is easy for the business management consultants to be out of date. Their opinions may not be in line with the latest market situation. A business management consultant is likely to be out of line with practice if you leave the actual state of war for some time.
Therefore, business management consultants should return to the actual business management every other time, including business management, leadership wisdom, innovation and development, and so on. They should reexamine their previously known assumptions, work experiences and logical reasoning, and are they still valid?
Companies that employ business management consultants should also dare to challenge consultants with business practices, which is beneficial to both parties.



Guide the young generation to make the company grow better
Many people think that young people have unrealistic expectations of wages, and they are not so diligent in their work. But if you can understand how to work with them, and guide them to recognize valuable people in the company, let them learn willingly, and create a sense of company identity, you will have the opportunity to cultivate the next generation of excellent leaders.
Guide young employees to contact senior employees and leaders in many departments of the company so that they are willing to share and guide young people. These young employees will help start a lot of active activities, assist in the development of the product, and start the marketing activities that make the customers passionate. They are enthusiastic about new trends and how to use the latest technology. (most of the young generations are in the age of computers and mobile phones)
Such cross generation interaction can enable young employees to get job training and help them grow their careers, while business leaders and managers can get enthusiastic employees.



Adjust your coach pattern according to the learner's form
The effective way of coaching is to meet the students' form. If you want to teach your staff to develop their skills or improve their work effectiveness, we first know how they can learn best, so as to adjust your way of coaching.
Some people are used to learning immediately, so that they can practice quickly and intensively, and set the goals that each practice should achieve. Some people prefer to leave their learning materials first, then review and think deeply in private, so you should provide them with materials that can be saved, and guide them to think and analyze.
The coach's action is usually the combination of the two. For some students who prefer dynamic learning, they should be able to maintain a good interaction with him and encourage him to practice in his work. For some of the more passive learners, you need to take the initiative to pay attention to the progress of his study and give him some time to review.
If you can adjust your coaching mode to the students' form. There is a chance to motivate students to learn. Finally, they will be able to make progress more effective and quickly.

2016年12月8日 星期四



Don’t share office gossip with new colleagues
If your new colleague heard some dirty negotiations in the office, his ears will probably grow cocoons. You may think you are well intentioned, not let him step to the office in the mines. But spreading gossip in office politics is not encouraged. by doing so, you may make people feel you have biased, and misleading new colleagues.
Of course, you can help him adjust the new job, but before you say something, find out your motives. Do you want to make his life easier? Or do you want to pull him into your camp?
Even if your motives are good, choose the right news that you can share. You will never know who his mouth will speak to, expose your words and actions, and damage your reputation.
Follow a rule, and only share the news that you feel comfortable with yourself, and it's the news that everyone knows.