- 選擇恰當的時機。在你的工作狀態處於高峰時,是提出加薪的最佳時機。你最好在你的團隊漂亮地完成一個專案時提出加薪要求。你最好避免在你的老闆正在焦頭爛額時冒然地要求加薪。
- 做出計畫。你要知道你想要什麼數字,確認這個數字是實際可行的,找到一個案例來支援你所要求的數字。你可以用其他可以作為比較的最近的成功加薪案例來支持你的加薪要求。
- 要明確,並且要正面。聚焦在你最近達成的成功故事的正面價值,避免在向老闆提加薪時扯到其他不相干的事情。不要在你提加薪時惹出其他不必要的結果。
Several Notices for Raising Salary
It's usually sensitive and nervous to ask your boss for a raise. The following considerations can help you get a raise smoothly and increase your chances of winning it:
- Choose the right time. The best time to raise your salary is at the peak of your working life. You'd better ask for a raise when your team finishes a project beautifully. You'd better avoid asking for a raise when your boss is burning out.
- Make plans. You need to know what number you want, make sure it's practical, and find a case to support the number you want. You can use other recent successful salary increases that can be compared to support your request for a raise.
- Be clear and positive. Focus on the positive value of your recent success story and avoid other irrelevant issues when raising your boss's salary. Don't cause other unnecessary consequences when you raise your salary.