Don't memorize your prepared script during a job interview
It is of course important to be prepared for a job interview, including figuring out how to answer some of the questions that the interviewer might ask you.
It is of course important to be prepared for a job interview, including figuring out how to answer some of the questions that the interviewer might ask you.
you don't want to memorize your prepared response. If you answer too
quickly or too smoothly, it looks like you're repeating it. It's a stiff
conversation rather than a natural conversation.
even if you're ready to respond after the interviewer's question, it's better
to pause first, think carefully about the key words in his question, regroup in
your head, and then respond.
can say this: "Let me tell you some stories that aren't on my
resume." This will inspire the interviewer to be more interested in
listening to what you want to say, rather than looking down at your resume.