2016年11月12日 星期六



Don't memorize your prepared script during a job interview
It is of course important to be prepared for a job interview, including figuring out how to answer some of the questions that the interviewer might ask you. 
However, you don't want to memorize your prepared response. If you answer too quickly or too smoothly, it looks like you're repeating it. It's a stiff conversation rather than a natural conversation.
Therefore, even if you're ready to respond after the interviewer's question, it's better to pause first, think carefully about the key words in his question, regroup in your head, and then respond. 
You can say this: "Let me tell you some stories that aren't on my resume." This will inspire the interviewer to be more interested in listening to what you want to say, rather than looking down at your resume.


  1. 正面思考。你愈能夠專注在讓你有壓迫感的挑戰上,你愈能夠感覺你可以克服它。試著讓你自己感受你所面臨的挑戰是個新機會,而非威脅。
  2. 觀摩與學習。觀察他人的領導模樣。注意他們是如何運用幽默、沉默,魅力來影響他人。然後,將這些技巧融入到你自己的行為風格上。
  3. 讓自己身體高挺。大步走路,走路時挺胸。坐挺。讓自己外貌看來有自信,對他人有感染力。
How do you pretend to be confident?
When you feel it's hard to bear pressure, the best way to get through it is to pretend you have confidence that you can overcome the difficulties.
The following can make you pretend that you can overcome the difficulties:
  1. Positive thinking. The more you can focus on the challenge that makes you feel oppressive, the more you can feel that you can overcome it. Trying to make yourself feel the challenge you face is a new opportunity, not a threat.
  2. Observe and learn. Look at the leadership of others. Pay attention to how they use humor, silence, and charm to influence others. Then, integrate these skills into your own style of behavior.
  3. Let your body be high. Walk in a big step and walk with your chest. Sit down. Make yourself confident and infective to others.

2016年11月11日 星期五


  1. 準時上班。每天準時或是提早到班,開會前就到會議室,將指派的工作按時完成。
  2. 將每件工作做到完美。確保將所指派的工作確實完成。如果要求你泡咖啡,你也要為同事遞上他們從未嘗過的風味絕佳的咖啡。如果要求你製作一個Excel表格,你也要認真做到正確、美觀。若是要求你製作Word文件,你要確保文句正確,沒有錯別字,編排美觀典雅。
  3. 問出好問題。當你遇到同事或長官時,仔細思考后提出問題,讓人們感覺到你做好了準備接受更高的挑戰,並且尊重他們的經驗與時間。
How do you get the most in the internship?
An opportunity for an internship is a good opportunity for you to gain experience, build a rich resume, and even get a formal job. However, short-term internship is also hard for you to have enough time to complete your studies, so it is difficult to ensure your work and do not necessarily allow you to recommend a formal job. So, how can you be able to be reused during the internship?
  1. To work on time. Go to the class on time or early every day, and go to the meeting room before the meeting, and finish the assignment on time.
  2. Make every job perfect. Ensure that the assigned work is done. If you're asking for coffee, you also have to deliver the best coffee they've never tasted. If you are required to make a Excel form, you should be careful and beautiful. If you are asked to make a Word file, you need to make sure the text is correct, no typos, beautiful and elegant arrangement.
  3. Ask a good question. When you meet a colleague or a chief executive, think carefully and ask questions. Let people feel that you are ready to accept higher challenges and respect their experience and time.



Change work habits and increase productivity
Production behavior is a regular way that allows you to keep repeating and making more results. People often try to change the way he works, hoping to improve their productivity, but eventually they return to the old habits.
If you don't change your environment, you may not be able to play a role in your new way of work. This may be because your original way of work can be more adaptable to your workspace. Even if your new idea may sound reasonable, it's easy to feel more adaptable to the old habits.
In any case, you can start to try to change the way you work. You can start with a slightly modified part of the work. For example, every day 5 minutes earlier than usual, arrive at the office, with a few minutes to list today's to-do projects, even if you can't list all of them, even if you can confirm which project your boss or colleagues are looking for in the morning. This allows you to improve your focus.
The point is not how to completely flip the way you work, but to make a change a habit.

2016年11月10日 星期四



Manage emotional stress by paying attention to breathing
Like other energy management, the management of emotional stress also needs to be conscious. The reason why leaders manage work stress effectively is that they can recognize the signals of stress and then lead the team to work back to normal.
Later, when you feel your emotional stress is rising, you can pay attention to your breathing and take a few deep breaths. During deep breathing, notice the response of the face to the thoracic tissue. After several natural deep breaths, switching to a pattern called resonance respiration is to breathe in for 10 seconds, then exhale for 10 seconds, and circulate 6 times a minute. After a few exercises, you will naturally breathe in such a pattern, and then you will find that your emotions can be controlled and calm down.