2018年11月26日 星期一



Start Getting Ready for Your Vacation a Month in Advance
Have you ever thought that going on vacation isn’t worth it because planning the trip is so stressful? To make it easier to take time off, start the planning process well before you leave.
Three to four weeks beforehand, set aside time to think about logistics, packing, and details. Identify the high-priority items you need to get done before you leave. Then block out time on your calendar to complete the must-do items.
Aim to get them done a week before the trip; that way, you have some wiggle room if unexpected things come up (which they always do). For work tasks that will need attention while you’re gone, talk to a colleague about covering for you. Reach out at least a week in advance to ask for their help.
Write down any deadlines and deliverables they need to know about, as well as contact information for key stakeholders and clients (and for you, if necessary).