2016年12月3日 星期六


1.    設定你的底線。你只需要知道你的事業是如何開展的,以及你希望如何維護你的私人生活習慣,然後與你的客戶溝通,讓這樣的思想融入到你的事業發展中。
2.    維護你的規矩。養成習慣是維護你的私人規矩的最好作法。如果你這次破壞了規矩,而下次又說必須尊重你的規矩。那麼,你會失去客戶的尊重。
3.    與你的客戶溝通。就如你希望做好生意,必須和客戶溝通。同樣的,讓客戶知道如何與你協作,也同樣地重要。例如,你可以在週四下午通知客戶,你在週末必須外出,他就會即刻將需要你處理的事情通知你,以便你週五就可以回覆給他。這樣雙方的工作效率都可以提高了

How do you set your personal boundaries?
Whether you work at home or not, setting and respecting personal boundaries is an important topic. We often neglect this key until we work hard and run away.
This is a balanced art. Even if we have very important customers to serve, we must avoid the all-weather work as much as possible. You have to have private time to relax.
However, in reality, we have very good friends. He will invade our personal bottom line at any time. So how can a small business owner do that?
The following suggest that you do not need strict rules, but still protect your private sector
  1.  Set your bottom line. You only need to know how your career is going to develop, and how you want to maintain your personal habits, then communicate with your customers, so that such thoughts can be integrated into your career development.For example, you don't want to reply to your customers' phone calls, mail or text messages at weekends. No matter if you are still working on weekends, you need to know your customers tactfully. Then the customer will know that you will process his request only from Monday to Friday.
  2. Maintain your rules. Habit is the best way to maintain your personal rules. If you break the rules this time, and next time you must respect your rules, you will lose the respect of your customers.Of course, even if you have clear-cut rules, things always have exceptions. For important long-term customers, you must calibrate it. You'd better tell the customer, only this time, I hope to do so.
  3. Communicate with your client. As you want to do business well, must communicate with the customer. Also, let the customer know how to cooperate with you, is also important. For example, you can notify the customer on Thursday afternoon, you have to go out on weekends, you deal will immediately inform you that he will need. So you can reply to him on Friday. So, the work efficiency can be improved.

2016年11月30日 星期三


  1. 和老闆的老闆只發展個人關係。挖掘出彼此共同的興趣,而非工作上的關係,是值得的。
  2. 為你的老闆做出貢獻。你的老闆很可能將對你的肯定與感謝傳遞給他的老闆,因為你的成就也對他能夠產生正面的價值。
  3. 自願參與跨部門會議。這樣可以幫助你的老闆做好工作上的協作,也增加了你自己在公司中的曝光機會。
  4. 記住誰才是老大。不要讓人感覺你要撇開你的老闆,更不應該讓人覺得你有越級報告的企圖。將你和他的老闆之間的對話,都要抄送給你的老闆。
How do you develop the relationship with the boss's boss?
Your relationship with your boss will affect your career development. But your boss's boss will also have an important impact. How do you develop a relationship with your boss's boss without impact your relationship with your direct boss?
  1. Develop only personal relationships with the boss's boss. It is worthwhile to dig out the common interests of each other, not the relationship on the work.
  2. Make a contribution to your boss. Your boss is likely to pass on your affirmation and gratitude to his boss, because your achievements can also give him a positive value.
  3. Voluntary participation in interdepartmental meetings. This can help your boss do a good job of work, and increase your own exposure opportunities in the company.
  4. Remember who is the boss. Don't make people feel like you want to leave your boss, and you should not feel that you have an attempt to have a higher level report. The conversation between you and his boss will be copied to your boss.


  1. 管理好自己的能量。睡眠、運動、營養均衡,以及壓力管理可以幫助你降低不受老闆尊重而產生的負面情緒。
  2. 尋找正面關係。負面情緒相對於正面情緒對工作的衝擊大上好幾倍。與其受到會讓你有負面情緒的人影響,不如自己去接近能夠讓你有正面心情的人,去接近能夠引發你歡樂,提振你心情的朋友。
  3. 多做工作以外的活動。如果你的工作外的活動可以讓你快樂,你就會有比較好的能力應付辦公室發生的事情。另外,多學習,讓自己成長,也可以提高你應付老闆的能力。
Overcoming negative relationships with your boss bring you a bad mood
Everyone wants to be respected by his boss, but more than half feel that their boss doesn't respect him. If you are one of those unhappy people, how do you overcome your bad mood?
Try the following:
  1. Manage your energy. Sleep, exercise, balance of nutrition, and stress management can help you reduce negative emotions that are unrespected by your boss.
  2. Looking for a positive relationship. Negative emotions have several times as much impact on works as positive ones. Instead of being influenced by people who make you feel negative, approach someone who makes you feel positive, close to a friend who can make you happy and boost your mood.
  3. Do more activities outside the work. If your activities outside the workplace can make you happy, you will have better abilities to cope with what happens in the office. In addition, learning more and growing yourself can also improve your ability to deal with the boss.

2016年11月28日 星期一


你們之間會有哪些可以達成共識的? 這樣做,會讓你們之間的對話較為順利。

Before making difficult conversations, consider each other's views
When you have to communicate with your colleagues about a difficult thing, you may have direct conversation. But it’s best not to talk regularly until you evaluate his point of view.
Think about what your colleagues might think? How does his past behavior make him think about things? Imagine if you were him, what would you want to have? You must be conscious of how to help him to reach his expectations.
What can you agree on? This will make your dialogue more smooth.



Avoid quarrelling with your spouse as soon as you get home
The hardest thing about every day is when you step into your house and start arguing with your spouse. It's mostly because when we go home, we forget the interpersonal relationship skills. The reason we do this is to think that we can do it completely and ignore the impact on our spouses.
But interpersonal skills are equally important in the family and in the workplace. If you think couples can synchronize their expectations of each other automatically, it's unrealistic. There are different needs, different cycles of recovery, and one day, you will encounter a variety of things that are difficult to synchronize with each other.
This is why they should communicate with each other like a husband and wife. But don't do it as soon as you step into the house. You should arrange that when you are all relaxed, do one another and give comfort to each other.


  1. 可能吧(Might)。這是最糟糕的用詞。在你和他人對話時,先想清楚你是否確實知道事實與可行性。如果肯定,就用明確的肯定詞。如果不肯定,就直接說必須查明后再回覆。如果你說“可能吧”,那麼對方就可能另尋他人,或是懷疑你是否會給予承諾,或懷疑你缺乏能力。如果你說“可能吧”,會衍生出許多有滋擾的想象。
  2. 通常情況下(Usually)。若是使用“通常情況下”這個語詞,會顯示出在某些情況下的不確定。它帶有暗示對方不要在多數情況下會有結果的期待。如果你也確實不確定,可以提議做出假設與進行必要的查證。
  3. 應該(Should)。這個用詞同樣帶有不確定意味,顯示你缺乏信心,而且你只是帶著期望而缺乏準備,你可能在作業程序帶有瑕疵。
  4. 不會(Won’t be)。這是最直接表現出你的防禦抗拒態度,帶有你拒絕參與的意圖。
  5. 有可能(Likely)。若是在商業或工作場合上,你說“可能吧”,等於什麼都沒有說,只是一個猜測而已,不僅顯示你對結果缺乏信心,而且會披露出你缺乏足夠的知識。
  6. 要是(If Only)。你只是在做夢!你對在發展的工作缺乏控制。你只是一名機會主義者。
  7. 確實如此(Really)。這個用詞詞語帶輕率。你只是旁觀者,做了些附和,並沒有實際參與貢獻。你可以選擇某些重要內容,說明其實際價值。

If you want to succeed, do not say these diplomatic words
If you want to succeed, begin to avoid using these uncertainty diplomatic words.
To make a success career, a great component is a mental effort.
You can be the most talented person and highly respected in your industry, but if you don't have confidence in yourself and be too frank and honest, you will be very difficult to develop your career, and your failure will be unavoidable.
From every day you enter the office to build a relationship between you and your partners, your daily words will have a long-term impact.
Whether you want to or not, if you say something with uncertainty or doubt, or if you are not sure what you say, you will lose the trust of others.
What you say will not only affect your mind, but the people who speak to you will read out your lack of confidence in your words and body language.
If you want to succeed, you should avoid saying the following words of uncertainty:
  1. Maybe. (Might). This is the worst word. Dialogue in you and others, first want to know whether you really know the truth and feasibility. If yes, with a clear affirmation. If not sure, just say it must find out and then reply. If you say "maybe". Then the other may find someone else, or wonder if you make promises, you doubt or lack of ability. If you say "maybe", will derive a lot of nuisance imagination.
  2. Normally. (Usually). If you use "normally" this word, will show the uncertainty in some cases. It has suggested that in most cases you don't have the look. If you are unsure yourself, you may propose assumptions and necessary verification.
  3. It should be (Should). This word is also uncertain, showing you lack of confidence, and you just have expectations and lack of preparation. You may have flaws in the operation process.
  4. No. (Won 't be). This is the most direct expression of your defensive resistance, with the intention of refusing to participate.
  5. Possible (Likely). If you say "may be" on business or work occasions, it means nothing. It is just a guess. It not only shows your lack of confidence in the result, but also reveals that you lack enough knowledge.
  6. If (If Only). You are just dreaming! You are not in control of the work in development. You are just an opportunist.
  7. It is true (Really). This wording phrase is imprudent. You are just a spectator, making some echoes, and not actually participating in the contribution. You can choose some important contents to illustrate its actual value.
The above words will make people feel untrusting about you and let your work or career fail. Of course, if you are used as diplomatic language, you must be clear about what you want to achieve, and strategically design your dialogue.

2016年11月27日 星期日



What are you going to learn next?
Success requires constant growth and learning. But how do you know how to get the best reward for learning?
First, look at what the business needs and what will make you most satisfied? If you are involved in operations, you may need to know several abilities related to business development, such as learning how to manage large customers to improve sales opportunities and closing time.
Secondly, in what areas can you surpass yourself or your peers? For example, you have goodwill to manage your own work, and you can consider how to learn how to manage a complex project?
Finally, do you honestly assess whether you are interested in these new skills? The key is that these are best to give full play to your strengths, to give you enthusiasm to learn, and to organize to grow and develop.