Refuse a working environment that throat-cutting and fighting for competition
It would be discouraging if your boss kept pushing you to compete with your colleagues. Never let yourself fall into such a bad situation. Instead, you should partner with your colleagues to find ways to get along and work together, rather than fighting to cut your throat.
You can tell your boss what you feel, but show respect for her and make constructive suggestions. If she feels you're criticizing her, she won't listen to you seriously. You can discuss the situation with your colleagues first, and then maybe meet your boss again.
Tell your boss that you don't intend to compete for the Magnesium Lights, because it will hurt your work morale and not allow you to perform at your best. You can ask your boss not to put you in such an environment where you have to compete with colleagues, and tell her how you can work with colleagues to achieve the best performance for the company.