2016年7月29日 星期五



Refuse a working environment that throat-cutting and fighting for competition
It would be discouraging if your boss kept pushing you to compete with your colleagues. Never let yourself fall into such a bad situation. Instead, you should partner with your colleagues to find ways to get along and work together, rather than fighting to cut your throat.
You can tell your boss what you feel, but show respect for her and make constructive suggestions. If she feels you're criticizing her, she won't listen to you seriously. You can discuss the situation with your colleagues first, and then maybe meet your boss again.
Tell your boss that you don't intend to compete for the Magnesium Lights, because it will hurt your work morale and not allow you to perform at your best. You can ask your boss not to put you in such an environment where you have to compete with colleagues, and tell her how you can work with colleagues to achieve the best performance for the company.

2016年7月28日 星期四


  1. 專注在如何解決問題。如果你必須和老闆討論難題,請專注在問題本身,而不要牽涉到人事方面。向老闆提出你解決問題的建議方案。
  2. 收集相關資料。如果你需要動用到老闆的權勢來支持,最好先提供他所需要的相關資料,包含整合的資料、圖表,以及如何讓你建議的方案能夠滿足更上級單位與企業的發展目標。
  3. 先呈遞文件。如果你的老闆有些憚于面對面的對話討論,你就先將建議方案與附件資料寫下來,預先呈遞給他。這樣做,他就能夠做好準備來與你對話討論。
How to deal with the boss who is against you?
Do you have a boss who doesn't support you and your team? Does he often hate to see you ask for his support?
If you have such a boss, try the following:
  1. Focus on how to solve problems. If you have to discuss problems with your boss, focus on the problem itself rather than on personnel. Make suggestions to your boss about how to solve the problem.
  2. Collect relevant information. If you need to use your boss's power to support you, it's best to provide the relevant information he needs first, including integrated information, charts, and how to make your proposal meet the development goals of higher-level units and enterprises.
  3. Presenting documents first. If your boss is afraid of face-to-face conversation, you should first write down the proposal and attachments and submit them to him in advance. By doing so, he will be ready to talk to you.

2016年7月27日 星期三


  1. 描述問題。告訴老闆一個縱觀的評論,讓他知道這個壞消息可能會帶你的團隊與公司的衝擊會是如何。
  2. 提出解決方案。向老闆說明你預備如何去解決這個問題,以及你所得到的教訓。向老闆提出一個具體的解決方案,但是最好也給他其他選擇方案。
  3. 說明好處。以具體的案例向老闆說明為何你的建議作法會成功。如果你的想法已經有了小規模範圍的測試成果,將具體的成績展現給老闆看。
  4. 承諾負起責任。告訴老闆你願意承諾做成功,和老闆一起作出最後的行動計劃。
The Right Way to Reporting Bad News to the Boss
Nobody likes to have a difficult conversation with the boss, but it's also a good opportunity to build a trust relationship with the boss.
Try the following:
  1. Describing the problem. Tell your boss a comprehensive review to let him know how the bad news might impact your team and company.
  2. Propose solutions. Explain to your boss how you plan to solve this problem and what lessons you have learned. Give your boss a specific solution, but it's better to give him other options.
  3. Explain the benefits. Use specific cases to explain to your boss why your suggestion will succeed. If your idea already has small-scale test results, show them to your boss.
  4. Commitment to take responsibility. Tell your boss that you are willing to commit to success and work with your boss to make a final plan of action.


  1. 考慮他的可能顧慮。如果你在現職上的工作表現良好,你的老闆可能不願意調整你的工作。或是,他可能不會認為你是新工作的合適人選。試著預測他可能有的顧慮。
  2. 做好準備計劃。如果你要換到新的工作職務上,那麼你現有的工作責任應該如何安排?不要認為你可以同時兼任新舊兩份工作。你應該告訴你的老闆你現有的工作的哪些部分可以交接給誰來接任。
  3. 要有耐心。這不會是一次談話就可以得到結果的。給你的老闆一些時間來考慮。
The Right Way to Request New Tasks
If you want a new assignment, don't go straight into your boss's office and ask for it. You should do some preparatory work:
  1. Consider his possible concerns. If you perform well in your current job, your boss may be reluctant to adjust your job. Or maybe he doesn't think you're the right person for the new job. Try to predict his possible concerns.
  2. Prepare plans. If you want to change to a new job, how should your current job responsibilities be arranged? Don't think you can take on both old and new jobs at the same time. You should tell your boss which parts of your current job can be handed over to whom to take over.
  3. Be patient. It won't be a conversation that will lead to results. Give your boss some time to think about it.

2016年7月26日 星期二


When conflicts occur, practice calmly
When confronted with conflict, our minds are prone to catastrophe, and our amygdalas release chemicals into our bodies. If we can be calm, we can overcome the natural reaction of the nervous system to conflict situations.
When our body enters combat or escape mode, be aware that you have been stimulated by conflict. At this point, you should be aware of the sensitive changes in the body, but you can see that this is the body's normal response, without the need to deliberately control or change it.
At this point, you can take deep breaths, breathe well, and gradually return to a peaceful state of physiology, while transferring your energy to listening and thinking.
By doing this over and over again, you can eventually respond rationally to a tense situation rather than immersing yourself in an impulsive mood.


  1. 暫時關掉手機。坦白說,現在人的手機比你桌上的電話機還要讓你緊繃神經。 手機已經不光是用作為公務或是私人電話,還有用來以FacebookLINE或微信來保持接收各種資訊的工具。這會讓你上癮,更使你分心,也讓你肌肉鬆弛不下來。所以,你一定要強迫自己,每天上下午,至少各關機30分鐘,讓你離開沒有手機的狀態,讓腦神經與肌肉都鬆弛下來。
  2. 利用午休時間,進行閱讀或散步。午休時間到,除了用餐外,趕緊離開辦公室,找個咖啡座喝咖啡,並且閱讀口袋書籍,或是,去散散步,shopping,就是不要去想工作上的事情。
  3. 飽餐一頓,獎勵自己。每週都要安排一個獎勵自己的時間,可以去飽餐一頓,告訴自己這一周過得多棒,完成了哪些工作,值得獎勵。
Even working people have to have a break time
In the student era, each class is about 50 minutes, the longest is about 80 or 90 minutes, and then there will be 10 or 20 minutes of rest time in each class. In high school and college, it is more fun and must move to change the classroom. This makes the students get excited. They can walk around the campus and look at the green trees and grass. Of course, there are beautiful girls. It makes the next time a time to move and relax.
When you grow up and go to work, there is no such a resting world in your office. Often in the morning to the office to open a computer, in addition to the physical needs to leave the seat, basically is to get stiff limbs, head drowsy, but not necessarily consciousness. Extreme unhealthy! In this way, it also has a lot of harm to the work efficiency.
Why don't you have a courseware rest time for work? In fact, it can be done, but you need to manage your time by yourself. Please try the following ways:
  1. Turn off the phone for the time being. Frankly speaking, people's mobile phones now make you tighten your nerves more than the phone on your desk. Mobile phones are not only used for official or private phone calls, but also for Facebook, LINE or WeChat to maintain various kinds of information. This will make you addicted, distract you and relax your muscles. So, you must force yourself, every afternoon, at least 30 minutes at least, let you leave the state of no cell phone and let the brain and muscles relax.
  2. Use the lunch break to read or take a walk. At lunch break, get out of the office, get a coffee seat, get a coffee, read a pocket book, or go for a walk. Shopping, just don't think about the job.
  3. Eat a meal, reward yourself. Every week, you should arrange a reward for your time, you can go to a big meal, tell yourself how wonderful this week is and what you have done, which is worth rewarding.

2016年7月25日 星期一


  1. 完全不受干擾。這是絕對做得到的,並且辦公室不會因為少了你而運作不下去。事實上,你短暫的離開辦公室,反而可以提供給其他人有接手可以磨練的好機會。你可以選擇到離開工作場所很遠的地方,例如出國度假,並且將手機、電腦全部關機,或是不上網,並且要求自己與其他人,在你度假時間,絕對不聯繫,不要讓你的假期受到干擾。
  2. 安排好可以聯繫的時間。如果完全不理公事是實在做不到的,那麼,至少可以先約定一個固定的時間來聯繫,其他時間不要來打擾你。
How do you make your vacation undisturbed?
We live in the state of being expected to be ready to work at any time. However, giving yourself a vacation is very important for you. It is necessary to have a rest.
The following methods can make your vacation as undisturbed as possible:
  1. Completely undisturbed. This is absolutely possible, and the office will not work without you. In fact, if you leave office for a short time, you can offer others a good chance to take over. You can choose to go far away from the workplace, such as going abroad for a holiday, and turn off the phone, the computer, or the Internet, and ask yourself and the others to have no contact in your holiday time, and don't let your vacation be disturbed.
  2. Arrange the time to contact. If it is impossible to completely ignore public affairs, then at least you can agree on a fixed time at first, and do not disturb you at other times.


  1. 找到你喜歡與他一起工作的夥伴。當然,你不會總有機會來挑選你的工作夥伴,但是如果可以,請設法參與在項目中有你可以信任、尊敬,並可以一起愉快工作的夥伴。
  2. 找到你喜歡從中解決問題的项目。一樣的,你不會總有機會來挑選你的工作项目,但是如果可以,盡可能參與你樂於在其中解決問題,有熱情參與的项目。如果你不喜愛你當前的工作项目,設法向老闆提出你有興趣參與領導的项目。
You can also stop working and enjoy fun!
You don't need to retire early to enjoy easy happiness. You just need to strip your work from work. If you do this, you can enjoy yourself in your work.
  1. Find the partner you like to work with. Of course, you don't always have a chance to pick your partner, but if you can, try to participate in the project that you can trust, respect, and be able to work together.
  2. Find a project that you like to solve the problem. In the same way, you won't always have a chance to pick your job, but if you can, take part in a project that you are happy to solve and be enthusiastic about. If you don't like your current work project, try to suggest to your boss the project you are interested in taking part in.


事實上,學習成長有兩個基本的途徑:一是自我學習,自我突破,也就是創新。 二是向外學習。今天我們先談如何為自己安排向外學習的機會。

Arrange opportunities for learning and growth for yourself
Many professionals, including leaders, feel that they have few opportunities to learn and grow.
In fact, there are two basic ways of learning and growth: self-learning, self-breakthrough, that is, innovation. The second is to learn from the outside world. Today, let's talk about how we can arrange opportunities for ourselves to learn from the outside world.
Learn from outside. If you are ambitious enough, but your current position is difficult to provide you with opportunities for learning and growth, then you can consider taking on projects that are interdepartmental, or at a higher departmental level, or that require different professional competencies. Greater horizons, new skills, and interaction and cooperation with more and more different people will enable you to grasp new knowledge, skills and solutions that are truly valuable.
If there is no such project at the moment, then you can choose to participate in organizational activities outside the enterprise to learn new skills and thus enrich your personal experience. For example, you can do adult education, raise money for UNICEF, or participate in organizations with different members, such as church activities, school parents'meetings, and so on. Or, you can write online blogs, contribute your professional experience, and thus meet other peer experts, or friends from other industries who are willing to share with you. They can tell you different opinions.
Participating in these external activities can not only enrich your knowledge and make good new friends, but also enhance your popularity and honor, and have the opportunity to develop new opportunities for your business.
We will talk about self-learning and developing innovative ways another day.

2016年7月24日 星期日


  1. 檢查一下你的工作職位要求描述。看看其中有哪些是你希望能夠勝任,但是尚未能夠做到的。
  2. 回顧你的夢想。有哪些是你在接掌目前工作時想要做到的?
  3. 和同事或朋友聊聊。問問一些在你公司或其他公司做類似工作的人,他們是如何做學習發展的。
Draw up your professional growth plan
If there are good strategies, even the busiest leaders will have time to learn their own growth and development. But in order to make your efforts work well, you have to decide what kind of learning development can meet the needs of your job and your own interests on the one hand.
What should we do? Try the following:
  1. Check your job description. See what you want to be able to do, but haven't done yet.
  2. Review your dreams. What do you want to do when you take over your current job?
  3. Talk to colleagues or friends. Ask some people who do similar jobs in your company or other companies how they do learning development.


  1. 你太優秀了嗎?善用你的優勢。有些經驗豐富的資深專家或部門主管,會很了解企業老闆們所面臨的壓力與挫折。所以,你將會是更優秀的員工。
  2. 運用社交媒體來增加你的曝光度。當今的社會,企業求才大量的在使用LinkedlnFacebook等社交媒體工具。你如果能夠豐富你的社交媒體的個人頁面,可以大幅提高你被發現為人才的機會。
  3. 把握你的過去積累。有些最有價值的機會來自于你過去的同事或朋友。他們的職業發展歷程,會遇到新的機會,建立新的知識,也有新的人脈。你自己累積的經歷,對於重新連接老同事、老朋友,對於彼此都能夠有新的起步的好基礎。
It's never too late to rebuild yourself
It is the will of many people in the workplace to rebuild themselves. If you are over 35 years old and want to give yourself new opportunities, please consider the following:
  1. Are you too good? Use your strengths. Some experienced senior experts or department managers will be familiar with the pressures and setbacks faced by business owners. So you will be a better employee.
  2. Use social media to increase your exposure. In today's society, companies are using social media tools such as Linkedln or Facebook in large numbers. If you can enrich your social media personal pages, you can greatly improve your chances of being discovered as a talented person.
  3. Grasp your past accumulation. Some of the most valuable opportunities come from your past colleagues or friends. Their career development will encounter new opportunities, build new knowledge and new contacts. Your own accumulated experience is a good foundation for reconnecting old colleagues and old friends and for starting a new beginning for each other.