2017年11月2日 星期四



Before a Difficult Conversation, Vent a Little
It’s not a good idea to go into a tense conversation when you’re full of negative emotions.
Before you get into the room, find a trusted colleague or friend who can listen to you complain. Say everything you feel about the situation — the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Don’t hold back. It’s important to get this out so that you’re not suppressing your emotions, which could make the conversation even trickier.
When you bottle up your feelings, you’re more likely to express them in unintended ways. Prevent your emotions from seeping out by voicing your frustrations ahead of time. Doing so will help you feel calm and centered when you’re having the discussion.

2017年11月1日 星期三


首列卿在工作中之五、六極重之職,而於此事記卿汝之成就。以此說,作一寸之自述,有新事須君者。此皆汝之履歷,而勿粗謂之“總結”。 若乙太常之名,則不得辟官之意,或君與出他應人之異。相反之,於是分注一題,真得汝之廣。
首先列出你在工作中的五個或六個最重要的職責,並在這些方面記下你的成就。根據這些筆記,寫一個簡短的自我描述,說明你有新工作需要的經驗。這個總結你的履歷-但不要簡單地稱之為“總結” 若是用太普遍的名詞,就不能獲得招聘官的注意,或你和突出其他應聘人員的差異。相反的,給這個部分加註一個標題,真正抓住你的經驗的廣度。

Connect the Dots Between the Job Title You Have and the Job You Want
Our job titles don’t always reflect what we really do.
So how do you make a career move — either to a new job or maybe to an entirely new field — if you’re worried that your current title might give a hiring manager the wrong idea?
The key is to showcase how your skills and experience are relevant to the new job.
Start by making a list of the five or six most important responsibilities in the job posting, and jot down your accomplishments in those areas.
Based on these notes, write a brief description of yourself that shows you have the experience the new job requires. Add this summary to the top of your résumé — but don’t simply call the section “Summary.”
That overused term won’t grab anyone’s attention or distinguish you from other candidates. Instead, give the section a headline that really captures the breadth of your experience.

2017年10月30日 星期一


不要對他們為什麼態度不好作假設, 去查明真相。考慮約你的同事出去喝咖啡或午餐。並邀請幾名其他同事一起參加來提升團隊凝聚力。更多的互動將促進友好的團體關係。

If a Colleague Has a Bad Attitude, Find Out Why
If you work with a guy without team spirit, it's hard to avoid he talk when shouldn't talk, but you'd better keep in good touch with that guy.
Instead of blaming your colleagues, you can start from friendly questions. You may ask: "What do you do now?" The root cause of their behavior may surprise you. This person might be dealing with a home tense situation, which causes him to disperse in the office attention. Or, he may perceive some work pressure which you are yet aware.
Don’t make assumption about his bad attitude. Find out the fact. Consider to have coffee or lunch with him. And, invite several other colleagues to join to enhance team cohesion. More interaction will promote friendly relations.