- 去瞭解別人如何認知你。做一個自我360度的回饋檢驗。找幾名你信任得過的同事或是朋友,傾聽他們如何評論你,以便你可以改進。
- 不要只看表面的回饋。不要等到業績報告出來,才與老闆面談(或是與投資方檢討)。平常就請你的老闆或是投資合夥人,給你真誠而深入的回饋。
- 開始改寫你的履歷。如果你願意接受別人給的回饋意見,立刻請求指導幫助。坦然面對你的老闆或是投資合夥人,請他支持你改變。
- 經常回顧檢討。一次是不夠的,你要經常做自我評估。
Pay attention to managing your invisible resume
you are an entrepreneur or an enterprise manager, you should pay attention to
your invisible resume in addition to your usual resume (business plan).
- To know how other people know you. Do a self - 360 - degree feedback test. Find a couple of trusted colleagues or friends to listen to their comments on you, so that you can improve.
- Do not only look at the feedback of the surface. Don't wait for a performance report to interview the boss. Usually please your boss or investment partner, give you a sincere and in-depth feedback.
- Begin to rewrite your resume. If you are willing to accept feedback from others, ask for help immediately. Face your boss or investment partner, please ask him to support you to change.
- The review is often reviewed. Once is not enough. You should always do self-assessment.