2017年8月12日 星期六


Send messages to your colleagues, don't be vague
Sometimes people send vague message because they are in a hurry, perhaps by sending a message in hurry, or by leaving a voicemail on the way to the airport.
But if the recipient does not know all the whole story and a short message often read like riddles, he will be confused and frightened. You know, if you send a late-night email to a colleague, saying, We need to talk, without further explanation, this may lead to unhelpful associations. Your colleague may wonder: is there a problem? What did I do? Will she blame me? This may put stress to your colleague or you, and it’s unhealthy for you to deal with such stress the next day.
Take extra time to make your message clear. Before you send a message, ask yourself how your message will be interpreted. If you think this is going to cause them distress, then provide more relevant content.

2017年8月7日 星期一



Don't let an indecisive boss hold you back
It’s hard to meet a boss who can’t make a decision. Without decision, you may not know what your boss expects, or how best to move a project forward.
You can help solve the problem by acting as a consultant to your boss. Help your boss weigh the pros and cons of various actions.
Ask sharp questions, provide relevant information, and provide personal views. If your boss is not sure, try to help him make up his mind and take actions.
For example, if you want him to make a strategic decision, you can say,there are several ways to solve this problem. Can I have a report on what I'm doing? "
Even if these strategies work, keep in mind that an indecisive boss may still be useless and bad for your reputation. At this point, you’d better find another boss in the company who can really support you.

2017年8月6日 星期日


當你正經歷一段艱難的時期或者一次大的轉變時,試試這個練習: 用20分鐘的時間,寫下(在紙上或電腦上)你過去一周、一個月或一年的情緒經歷。就隨意的寫。使用短句,如“我學到了,“我覺得,”“可能是因為,”,“我現在認識到,”“我明白。”這些片語幫助你說明你的情緒和觀察的角度,為什麼你感到如此。你不必保存文件。

Write your emotional state to face it
Do you feel that something is wrong at the moment, but not sure why? First aware of your emotional state is the first step in dealing with emotional instability.
People who are aware of their emotional state are generally better at physical and mental health.
When you are going through a difficult period or a big change, try this exercise: take 20 minutes to write down (on paper or computer) your emotion in past week, a month or a year experience. Write as you like. Use short sentences, such as I learned,I think,”,“may be because,”,I now realize,”,“I see. These phrases to help you explain your feelings and point of view, why do you feel soYou don't have to save the file.
Once you write it down, you begin to understand your real emotions and be able to cope with it rationally.