2016年9月1日 星期四


  1. 不安的狀態。人們在說謊時經常會洩露出他的焦慮狀態。這可能是應為他們擔心會穿幫,或是他們自己感到有罪惡感。你只要觀察到他洩露的假笑容,僵硬的肢體語言,或是眼光閃爍,就可以予以懷疑。
  2. 遇事推諉。有些人會話說一半就吞回去,支支吾吾,語焉不詳,或是說話含糊。這些狀況出現,表示他可能沒有說實話。
  3. 操作話題。當你問他一件事,說謊者可能在回答時加油添醋,多給了許多不必要的細節。他可能在言語中過多強調某個重點,要你關注,企圖轉移你的注意力。他這樣刻意的操控話題,是要掩蓋什麽事實嘛?
How do we find liars?
In today's business environment, lying does not seem to have any drawbacks. People lie almost all the time, sometimes in response to other people's lies, or to shirk responsibility.
But these unfaithful facts are hard to detect, especially in complex situations.
The following signals can let you know that you are already being deceived.
  1. A state of anxiety. People often reveal their anxiety when they tell lies. It may be that they should be worried about going to help or feel guilty about themselves. You can be suspicious just by observing his fake smile, rigid body language, or blinking eyes.
  2. Shirk the blame. Some people will say that half of them will swallow up and falter, without speaking, or with vague words. These situations show that he may not be telling the truth.
  3. Operate the topic. When you ask him a question, the liar may add fuel to the answer, giving many unnecessary details. He may put too much emphasis on a particular point in his speech, pay attention to it and try to divert your attention. What is the fact that he deliberately manipulated the topic?

