2018年5月14日 星期一



Only to be able to solve the conflictthen to show your emotions

When you disagree with your colleagues, you feel that all kinds of emotions are normal: such as disappointment, anger or frustration. But should you express your feelings? It depends on the situation. If you are flooded with an urgent sense of entitlement or even Vengeance (I must tell him how I feel!) It's better to find a way to calm down first.
If the mood is cold, it means you can control it and use it to help the situation (I want to tell him how I feel, so he will understand my point of view) and then it may be possible to express it. But don't just talk about emotions and explain what causes them.
Telling others that you are angry is not as good as sharing your disappointment, because they have failed to fulfill their commitment to you.

2018年5月13日 星期日



To Get Your Freelancers’ Best Work, Know What Matters to Them
Managers often have transactional relationships with freelancers, but to get their best work, it’s important to think about what’s meaningful to them.
When you hire a contractor, ask up front, “What are the conditions you need to do your best work?” Getting to know them personally can help.
For example, you may find out that they are caring for an elderly parent and need a position that offers a good deal of flexibility. Or, you might discover that they are most interested in getting their work recognized publicly and would welcome the chance to publish their results or present at a conference.
In the same way that you try to make work meaningful for full-time employees, give freelancers what they need (when you can). It may make the difference between adequate and stellar performance — and if your contractors are happy, they’re more likely to speak glowingly about your company to others.