2015年11月21日 星期六


  1. 不要只做表面的工作交接。如果你還有機會與將工作交接給你的前任,不要只點收她交接給你的文件與工作資產,而應該好好與她談談。儘可能問得愈多愈細,讓她告訴你,你應該如何準備好能夠承接這個新工作,以及如何能夠將這個工作做好。
  2. 檢查是否有重疊處。如果你很幸運的承接到一份與你現有工作很相像的工作, 找出重疊之處,用你的一石二鳥之策來將能夠同時將兩份工作都做好。
  3. 授權發包出去。同時評估你現有的工作與新的工作,看看有哪些工作內容可以授權轉發包給那些能夠做得比你更優秀的人。這不是逃避工作責任,而是好的工作管理方式。
Smart to take on new responsibilities
In the company layoffs or downsizing of human time, many people will be forced to undertake new responsibilities. Whether you are new challenges because of excitement, or reluctantly to accept work assignments by supervisors, try the following tips to prepare to accept new responsibilities:
  1.  Not only do the surface of the transfer of work. If you have the opportunity to work and transfer to your predecessor, not only took her transfer to your files and assets. You should be well to talk with her. As far as possible to ask more and more fine, let her tell you how you should be ready to undertake this new work, and how to do the job.
  2. Check whether there is overlap. If you are lucky enough to undertake a very similar work with your existing job, find out the overlap, for you will be able to come to you and can do two jobs.
  3. Authorized out. At the same time to evaluate your existing work and new work. Look at what the work content can be authorized forwarding packets to those who can do better than you are. This is not to escape the responsibility, but good management.

2015年11月19日 星期四


  1. 資深主管。他能夠帶領你開拓眼界,建立嚴密的思維邏輯,靈活解決問題的方法。
  2. 中階主管。他不僅能夠協助你精進你的工作技能,並且能夠告訴你以所服務的客戶的眼光來檢驗自己的工作表現、工作品質。
  3. 績優同事。他能夠告訴你如何提高自己的眼界,將不同的資源與技能整合在一起,思考創新的作為,成為卓越。
Find a mentor who can improve your learning speed
How can young people compete with experienced professionals when they first enter the workplace? Finding the right mentor can improve your learning speed.
Consider the following mentors to guide your learning:
  1. Senior supervisor. He can lead you to broaden your horizons, establish a rigorous logic of thinking, flexible solutions to problems.
  2. Middle-level supervisor. Not only can he help you refine your work skills, but he can also tell you to test your performance and quality of work with the eyes of the clients you serve.
  3. Excellent colleagues. He can tell you how to improve your vision, integrate different resources and skills, think about innovative actions, and become outstanding.

2015年11月18日 星期三


  1. 先瞭解企業或老闆關切的優先項目。若是你發現你所關切的並非老闆優先關切的,可能是自己選錯項目,或是老闆關切的必須調整了。若是後者,先妥善準備好背景資料,陳述公司應該重新聚焦的理由。
  2. 若是老闆關切的重點並沒有錯,只是沒有抓到重點,或是過於發散。可以先問老闆的短期與長期目標是如何的?複述你的瞭解,讓和老闆之間有共同的語彙。接著,提出你的解決方案。
  3. 注意老闆的潛台詞、肢體語言。判斷自己究竟是不是老闆最願意坦誠溝通的人。若不是,安排老闆所信任的人,為你代打。
  4. 指出問題的嚴重性。無論老闆是有意或是無意的說出你認為不能聚集的話語,而事態緊迫,或將影響深遠,直接用簡明的語言說出你的顧慮,不要長篇大論。同樣的,安排對老闆有影響力的人發言,通常效果會比較好。
What are the key questions that can help your boss focus?
  1. Understand the priorities of the business or the boss. If you find that your concern is not your boss's priority, it may be that you have chosen the wrong project, or that your boss's concern has to be adjusted. If the latter is the case, the background information should be properly prepared and the reasons why the company should refocus should be stated.
  2. If the focus of the boss's concern is not wrong, it is just not focused, or too divergent. What are the short-term and long-term goals of the boss? Retell what you know and share a common vocabulary with your boss. Next, come up with your solution.
  3. Pay attention to the boss's subtext and body language. Judge whether you are the one who the boss is most willing to communicate honestly. If not, arrange for someone your boss trusts to fight for you.
  4. Point out the seriousness of the problem. Whether the boss intentionally or unintentionally says what you think cannot be gathered, and the situation 


Improve your strengths, not your weaknesses
Work on your weakness, is painful. Who wants than ordinary people for the weak foundation, takes great strength to improve only slightly a little bit of progress than others? For many people, even a lifetime to do.
However, everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Some of your strengths are not what others can do. Focus on your strengths instead of trying your best to improve your weaknesses.
You can focus on your strengths, make it even better, and make it your unique asset. Ultimately, it will lead your company to a different competitive edge with your strengths.
Of course, on the basis of what you are already excellent, it is not easy to make a better progress ahead of you, but you will revel in it because you have enjoyed the experience of that progress.
You don't have to worry about having a great advantage. Have you ever experienced a boss who has so many and very good qualities that he can't be a leader?

2015年11月16日 星期一





The key to success is management process, not setting goals
When you set a goal to lose weight is within a year to reduce the weight of 5 kg,  it is better go change your actions as to running 3 times a week, at least 30 minutes, you immediately better able to control yourself, more clear direction, and more likely to reach the target.
In other words, as you will succeed in the process of management, rather than focus on the final goal to achieve.
In so doing, you are more likely to be motivated. Every time you exercise, you are moving toward the goal you set. You won't give up so freely, because you are moving towards success every day.


  1. 認識新工作需要你如何配合。你可以問僱主這份工作的工作時間與工作強度。這份工作需要你如何做出承諾。
  2. 設定出你自己可以接受的底線。你可以下設定出自己的底線來決定是是否能夠接受新工作的要求,例如,必須放棄你可以接小孩下課放學回家,或是需要接受在週末安排出差。
  3. 與潛在僱主進行討論。基於你所設定的底線,和潛在僱主討論,包含工作時數、出差以及可以補休等安排。然後,聽聽潛在僱主如何說。在你得到所需要的資訊后,再做決定你是否預備接受這份新工作。
 Know what you're prepared to sacrifice for a job
Every job requires you to give up something, such as having to work long hours or leaving your family. When you consider applying for a new job, you must know what compromises you have to make.
  1. Knowing how your new job will suit you. You can ask your employer about the time and intensity of the job. How does this job require you to make a commitment?.
  2. Set the bottom line you can accept. You can set up your own bottom line to decide whether to accept a new job is required, for example, you have to give up to take care your children at home after school, or is the need to accept the travel arrangements at the weekend.
  3. To meet up other potential employers . Based on the bottom line you set, to discuss with the potential employer, including working hours, and travel arrangements. Then, listen to potential employer to obtain the needed information. Then, you decide whether you accept this new job.



2015年11月15日 星期日



Workmaniacs should think about tomorrow
We all know that workaholics always torture themselves to death. They are forced to work all day and forget everything else, including their families.
It's always hard for them to get rid of the burden of their work. They have too many responsibilities and are worried that if they slacken down, they will delay the progress of their work.
The problem with their mindset is that it will damage their future. Although the day-to-day working style can bring short-term gains, ten years later, his physical health will be harmed, his family and interpersonal relationship will be damaged, and he can not regain happiness.