2018年11月17日 星期六



Have a Bad Boss? Consider Your Options
Having a bad manager can feel like the kiss of death for your career, not to mention your happiness. But there are steps you can take to cope.
First, don’t try to give your manager feedback about their frustrating behavior (bad bosses usually aren’t open to it anyway). Instead, put your energy into making requests for the resources and support you need to do your job. Be specific, and articulate how the request will benefit your manager and the organization.
Another tactic is to find outlets away from work for socializing and reducing stress; a strong support network is crucial for dealing with an emotionally draining environment.
If the situation doesn’t improve over time, consider exploring other opportunities in your organization. Meet with colleagues and managers to find out about positions that might interest you.
And be open to the possibility of quitting. If you dread going to work every day, and if you spend more time thinking about your boss than about work, it may be time to go. 

2018年11月13日 星期二



Build a Network That Challenges Your Point of View
When your network is mostly people whose backgrounds and skill sets are similar to yours, it’s unlikely to help you find new ideas or creative solutions. Diversify your network by connecting with people whose viewpoints, insights, and experiences differ from your own.
When you meet someone new, talk about what you don’t have in common. Ask friends to introduce you to their contacts who have an interesting job or who work in a unique space. In particular, try to meet people who will challenge your assumptions and biases.
If you’re struggling to build your network in the usual ways, create a reason to bring a diverse group together.
For example, a monthly book club can give you the chance to hear a variety of perspectives, as well as to read authors you wouldn’t normally pick up. By making a concerted effort, you can develop a network that both inspires you and pushes you to expand your thinking. 



Shift Your Perspective at Work by Telling Yourself a Different Story
We all tell ourselves stories about work, and these stories shape the way we think, lead, and make decisions. For instance, if the story that runs through your head all day is “Everything’s a battle in this office,” you’re more likely to expect hostility and be primed to attack.
Negative stories like this one generally don’t help you, so consider shifting to a new narrative.
Start by identifying a challenge you’re facing, and then ask: “What is the basic story I’m telling myself about this issue?”
Consider how the story is affecting you and your team. Is it constraining or liberating? If the latter, think about what you’d like to change and how your story needs to shift.
What reimagined (and true) version of the story would be more useful for pursuing your goals or doing things differently? Rewriting a story is often a matter of choosing to see a situation from a different, more-positive, perspective. 

2018年11月11日 星期日


Is It OK to Tell a Lie If Your Intentions Are Good?
People often lie in an attempt to be kind. (“You look great in that outfit!”) When is it OK to tell an innocuous fib, and when is the truth a better bet? Before you tell a white lie, ask yourself if you’re sure it will lead to a better result in the long run. Sometimes the answer will be obvious; in other cases it may not be so clear.
Consider whether the other person prefers comfort or candor, as well as whether they want different things in different situations. If you don’t know, ask.
With colleagues, for example, you could ask what type of feedback they generally appreciate, and when they want to hear tough but constructive criticism. But in most circumstances, as the saying goes, honesty is the best policy.
If you’re not sure what to do, ask a group of people for advice — and if they don’t unanimously agree that a lie is OK, tell the truth.