2017年5月12日 星期五


  1. 不要讓自己成為壓力源。不讓自己成為完美主義與追求高成就者。當你感覺工作太辛苦時,放鬆自己對自己的期待高標準。
  2. 了解自己的極限。你不需要一定要當英雄。你如果沒有那樣的卓越能力,或是沒有那樣的能耐,誠實地面對自己,並且請求他人幫助。
  3. 重新評估你的觀點。你究竟對某種狀況是個威脅還是展現你能力的機會?你認為它是個問題還是等待你去解決的問題?改變你的觀點,可以降低你的壓力。
Three ways to avoid collapse of anxiety mood conversion
Everyone is in a state of tension at work. But some people can support long, high pressure and crisis. How did they do it?
This is because they change their minds when they face stress:
  1. Don't let yourself be a source a stress. Don't let yourself be perfectionist and the pursuit of high achievement. When you feel too hard at work, relax your expectations.
  2. Know your limits. You don't have to be a hero. If you don't have that kind of excellence, or you don't have that ability, be honest to yourself and ask for help.
  3. Re-evaluate your point of view. Are you a threat to a situation or an opportunity to show your ability? Do you think it's a problem or a problem waiting for you to solve? Changing your point of view can lower your stress.

2017年5月11日 星期四



Maintain your professional network
Everyone knows that it's important to maintain a good network of people. But once you have established a good relationship with someone, how do you maintain the relationship for a long time so that you can get help when you want to find a job or seek professional advice?
First of all, you have to decide who you need to you need to maintain good relationship with him for a long time depending on his professional values and your career relevance. You can find your current and potential clients, influential colleagues, and friends in your field of expertise, and make them your long-term connections.
Then, decide how much you want to connect with them. Some may keep in touch regularly, some contact once a quarter, and some keep relationships in years.
In contact, you can start by caring about their lives and asking if you can help.
If someone has a common interest in a subject, you can ask them to have a get-together, or organize a community online and share ideas.
Your network of people can be replaced by the needs of your profession and career change.

2017年5月10日 星期三


  1.  瞭解你的身體能量。你可以隨意在手機上設定幾個鬧鈴時間,提醒你自己檢查你的身體能量狀態。一般是最好每工作50分鐘左右,能夠讓自己從座位上起來,稍微走動舒緩一下。
  2. 知道哪些是重要的? 知道哪些可以帶來最大的價值,以及能夠讓你感到愉悅?
  3. 將你的工作與休息時間安排好。當你知道那些事是重要的之後,在你的工作日曆表上,盡可能安排上去。
  4. 知道哪些事不要做。一旦你知道你必須去做哪些事,你就會知道哪些事不值得你去消耗能量。
  5. 不要再多想。一旦你安排好工作與休息後,就不要再去多想,就按照計畫去做。尤其是不要浪費時間在無謂的對話、看網頁,或是胡思亂想。
Arrange your energy wisely
Most people are working all horsepower, and there is no excess energy that can be consumed. So we have to have a strategy to put our energy in our most concerns.
From these aspects:
  1. Understand your body energy. You can set a few alarm times on your mobile phone to remind yourself to check your body energy. Generally, it is best to work 50 minutes or so to get yourself out of your seat and move a little more slowly.
  2. Know what is important? Know what can bring the greatest value, and what makes you feel happy?
  3. Arrange your work and rest time. When you know what things are important, put it on your work calendar as much as possible.
  4. Know what not to do. Once you know what you have to do, you will know what is not worth your energy.
  5. Don't think any more. Once you have arranged for work and a rest, don't think more about it and do it according to the plan. In particular, don't waste time on meaningless conversations, web pages, or nonsense.

2017年5月7日 星期日


首先,不要衝動,尤其不要自以為是。先檢討你究竟是否了解狀況?問自己,這樣的行為是否違反產業一般作業標準?或是,這樣做並非最好的做法?有哪些具體的作法是不符合客戶利益,或是違反了道德良俗,或是違法了?或是,如此做有人會認為是OK, 但是只是沒有你期待的那麼好?

How to compromise on the job?
No one likes to do things they don’t agree with under pressure. But what should you do if your company asks you to do something you think is not right because of some temptation? For example, how to deal with the interests of customers, or immoral or even illegal?
First, do not be impulsive, especially do not be self-righteous. First of all, do you understand the situation? Ask yourself, does such a behavior violate the standard of the general operation of the industry? Or is it not the best way to do this? What are the specific practices that do not conform to the interests of the customers, or are they violating the moral custom, or are illegal? Or, is it just not as good as you expect someone so do someone thinks it's OK?

Answering these questions can make you realize that your original claim is strong enough. If you think the company's requirements are clearly wrong, you have a strong position to convince others to take your concerns seriously. You will also think about how to talk with others.