2016年1月22日 星期五


  1. 不要立即承諾。不要立即做出“Okay”或是“No”的回答。相對的,你可以要求給你一些時間來思考清楚。告訴他你何時會回復給他。
  2. 準備妥善回應。用你要求來的時間好好思考你的答復。你最好給他一個替代方案,讓他一樣可以得到他想要的結果。
  3. 回復你的老闆。解釋他所指派的新增工作會妨礙你完成其他工作項目的能力,而且不符合你的目標。但是給他一個新的替代方案,並且說明你認為那樣安排的結果可能會更好。
Refuse requests for work beyond the limit
If your boss keeps piling up new jobs for you, and if those jobs don't have much to do with your goals, you should learn to refuse them gently. However, a sudden return to work can create a tense atmosphere, so you need to be careful with your boss's demands.
  1. Don't commit immediately. Don't answer "Okay" or "No" immediately. Instead, you can ask for some time to think clearly. Tell him when you will reply.
  2. Be prepared to respond appropriately. Use the time you ask to think about your answer. You'd better give him an alternative so that he can get the results he wants as well.
  3. Respond to your boss. Explaining the additional work he assigned will hinder your ability to complete other work projects and will not meet your goals. But give him a new alternative and show that you think that arrangement might work better.

2016年1月21日 星期四



Know your life plan that you didn't write down
To develop your future prospects, you need two sets of plans. One is written down by you as a commitment to others, the other is put in your mind, changing and adjusting at any time, only responsible for yourself.
This undisclosed blueprint of life development will keep you thinking about who you want to be in the future, what you want to achieve, how you can be satisfied, and how you are prepared to achieve such goals.
The life development plan that you write down and commit to the outside world is usually a career development plan with specific goals, action plans and clear assumptions.
The blueprint of your life development that you don't have in mind is usually a general direction, and your preferences for interests are not too specific.
However, as your life experience grows and enriches, you will have many opportunities to test whether the ideas in your head are practical. Then you will gradually revise your imagination and become a realistic action, a concrete development plan, and invite your partners and family members to participate in the realization.

2016年1月18日 星期一


  1. 開始練習。在你還在現職工作時,就開始接受一些自由工作者(Freelancer)或是無償的短期工作,開始練習新的職業技能。
  2. 調整人脈。要往新的職業方向發展,你必須有不同的人脈關係。去認識一些新的朋友,讓他們告訴你如何才能準備好進入新的職業領域。
  3. 一切要合理。你必須讓別人信服你的轉換跑道對你是合理的,是有幫助的。這也有助於讓你自己受到鼓舞激勵,同時也會贏得他人的支持。
Halfway through the workplace, how to prepare for the change of runway?
Changing the runway halfway through the workplace can be challenging, especially if you are in a dilemma in your current job. However, it is possible to re-establish your professional identity as long as you do not fall into a state of self-pity.
Want to change the runway? Please be prepared:
  1. Start practicing. When you're still working, start taking some freelancer or unpaid short-term jobs and practicing new professional skills.
  2. Adjust the network. To move in a new direction, you have to have different relationships. Get to know some new friends and let them tell you how to prepare for a new career.
  3. Everything should be reasonable. You have to convince others that your runway conversion is reasonable and helpful. It also helps to inspire yourself and win support from others.