2016年3月3日 星期四


  1. 找出你如何浪費了時間?我們一天之中,有許多行為是很低的生產力的,例如:瀏覽網頁、在Facebook上無目的的和人扯淡,等等。
  2. 建立時間管理的目標。記住,我們是要管理好自己的行為,而非能夠真的管理時間。因此,要做好時間管理,就是控制好自己的行為,你可以設定時間管理的目標是為了提高生產力,或是為了增進自己的健康,或是用來促進家庭之間的和樂。讓你一天的活動對你都是有意義的
  3. 追蹤觀察你的成果。如上述,你的時間管理的作為是要增進你的時間運用效率,要符合你的生活或工作目標。因此,你必須檢視你的時間管理成果,例如:你是否會過於疏忽了家人所需要的親密活動?你這一周的工作是否達到進度要求了?
  4. 檢討活動的必要性與優先次序。如果你被期待一天要應付20項事情,要判斷哪些是不必要,或是不能增加你的快樂的?然後,你要決定如何安排你的時間給各個工作,有哪些必須先完成的?
  5. 將工作外包。並非每件事情都需要你親力親為,尤其是中小企業主,要懂得盡可能將自己的時間分配在值得你去接觸的人,或是值得你去思考的重要決策上,而盡可能將日常性的工作外包給可以熟練完成的人。
  6. 建立起有效完成工作的作業方式。若是有作業程序規範,通常能夠提高工作效率。
  7. 設定完成工作所需時間的習慣。如果沒有設定工作所需時間的習慣,一件工作經常就會拖延,時間運用鬆弛、低效率。
  8. 將你的團隊組織好。讓每個人都知道他的角色與工作品質的要求,彼此之間應該如何配合。
  9. 不要浪費時間等待。在醫院排隊等待,是很無聊也浪費時間的。盡可能不要讓類似的感覺帶到你日常的工作與生活中。

What is time management? How to manage time well?
First of all, we need to clarify that we will not increase our time because of what you have done. There are only 24 hours in a day, and there will be no change. What you can do is to manage your actions and arrange your activities.
Then, how can you make use of the only time more efficient and valuable?
Please set up the following concepts first:
  1. Find out how you wasted your time. Many of our activities during the day are very unproductive, such as browsing the Web, aimlessly talking about people on Facebook, and so on.
  2. Establish the goal of time management. Remember, we have to manage our own actions, not to manage our time. So time management is about controlling your own behavior. You can set time management goals to increase productivity, to improve your health, or to promote family harmony. It's meaningful for you to make your day's activities.
  3. Track your results. As mentioned above, the purpose of your time management is to improve your time efficiency and to meet your life or work goals. So you have to examine your time management efforts, for example, do you overlook the intimacy your family needs? Have you reached a schedule for this week's work?
  4. Review the necessity and priorities of activities. If you're expected to deal with 20 things a day, decide which ones aren't necessary or can't increase your happiness? Then, you have to decide how to arrange your time for various jobs. What must be done first?
  5. Outsourcing the work. Not everything needs your own hands, especially small and medium-sized business owners. Know to spend as much time as possible on people who are worth contacting, or important decisions that are worth thinking about, and outsource the day-to-day work to people who can do it skillfully.
  6. Establish effective ways of completing work. If there is a procedure specification, it can usually improve work efficiency.
  7. Set the time required to complete the work. If you don't have the habit of setting the time required for work, a job will often be delayed, time use is slack and inefficient.
  8. Organize your team well. Let everyone know his role and quality requirements, how to cooperate with each other.
  9. Don't waste time waiting. Waiting in a hospital is boring and time consuming. Try not to let similar feelings take place in your daily work and life.
In so doing, your time will be yours.

