2019年2月16日 星期六


  1. 退後一步,瞭解一些情况。提醒你自己,這只是你職業生涯中眾多晋昇中的一個。
  2. 記住,友誼可能比誰有什麼工作更重要。和你的朋友談談情况,消除任何存在的緊張情緒。要清楚,你不想讓晋昇影響你的關係。
  3. 檢查一下你的自我價值感。晋昇可能是武斷和主觀的;决定並不總是關於誰更適合這份工作,甚至可能歸結到你無法控制的因素。想一想,如果升職沒有按你的作法進行,你會有什麼反應,這樣你就可以準備好迎接接下來發生的一切。
What to do when promotion threatens work friendship
Having friends at work is good for your participation and efficiency. But what do you do when you're ready for a promotion, which is what your working friends want?
  1. Step back and get some information. Remind yourself that this is just one of many promotions in your career.
  2. Remember, friendship may be more important than who has what job. Talk to your friends about the situation and eliminate any tension. Make it clear that you don't want promotion to affect your relationship.
  3. Check your sense of self-worth. Promotion may be arbitrary and subjective; decisions are not always about who is better suited for the job, or even factors beyond your control. Think about how you'll react if your promotion doesn't go your way, so you're ready for what happens next.


Coaching an employee who seem hopeless in behavior
How do you coach a seemingly powerless employee? Maybe this person is arrogant, immature, always outspoken, or lacks compassion. Sometimes you really can't help them. But it may be that their actions have been misunderstood.
To ensure that you have an accurate view of the person, check your assumptions and judgments. Think about what might be hidden behind their sabotage. Observe his behavioral patterns and see if there are interruptions in these patterns; these biases can provide important clues.
Consider, for example, whether this person works with someone who is particularly good or bad? Under certain circumstances, will they shine or shake? Why is this so? Then come up with a variety of ways to help employees.
It is difficult to determine how to solve the problem before determining the real cause of the problem. Avoid a one-size-fits-all approach and think about what employees really need to improve.

2019年2月15日 星期五



To achieve work-life balance, change your mindset
The only way to get to the top is to work all the time. But you can be an effective leader and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Everything starts with your mentality.
Don't imagine yourself as a person willing to do any work. Start imagining yourself as a person who does a good job and lives outside of work.
How do you plan to set aside time and priorities for your family, friends and hobbies, and consider where you have flexibility and where you need more flexibility?
To do this, please carefully examine the company's culture. Does your team measure success by how long people stay in the office or whether they complete their tasks on time?
If it's the former, there are things that need to be changed, and you may need leadership to make that change. If it's the latter, think about what prevents you from changing your time.

2019年2月14日 星期四



Stress doesn't necessarily affect your creativity
When you're stressed, it's hard to decide what to eat for dinner, let alone finish your work. When you think that way, how can you think?
First, breathe and relax. Trying to force yourself to be creative only leads to more frustrations. Don't think, "I have to be creative now," tell yourself, "I need to find some ideas." Then do an activity to let your mind wander around.
For example, walking or napping will naturally relax your brain, which will bring new insights. If you still feel trapped, give yourself more information to work on: read about the topics you are dealing with, field trip other people's solutions to similar problems, or talk to experts.
Most importantly, give yourself time. When you allow creative ideas to permeate, you have a better chance of success.


對你的工作方式的微小改變可能會使你每週節省時間。例如,在急切地投入到一個新項  目之前,先和利益相關者談談他們的期望,這樣你就知道應該優先考慮什麼了。也許他們想要一個詳細的項目計畫,但也許一個粗略的大綱也能完成這項工作。詢問自己是否可以重用任何過去的工作來完成手頭的項目也是很有幫助的。
假設你正在準備一個向高層領導的演講-你能這份簡報所基於的提案書中提取相關的文句嗎?或者利用其他資料來充實它嗎?最後,使用再次好好組織你的項目時間分配,提前决定你將在每個項目預備花費多長時間,並堅持下去。即使你沒有在規定的時間內完成每一件事情, 組織好你的項目時間,也會幫助你集中精力實現短暫的生產力爆發。

Increase productivity by improving efficiency
Do you find yourself struggling to complete your to-do list even after you have prioritized, planned, and authorized? If so, consider whether you can work more effectively.
A minor change in the way you work may save you time each week. For example, before rushing into a new project, talk to stakeholders about their expectations so you know what priorities should be given. Maybe they want a detailed project plan, but maybe a rough outline can do the job. It's also helpful to ask yourself if you can reuse any past work to complete the project at hand.
Suppose you are preparing a speech to senior leaders - can you extract relevant sentences from the proposal on which the presentation is based? Or use other information to enrich it? Finally, use it to organize your project time allocation again, decide in advance how long you will spend preparing for each item, and stick to it. Even if you don't complete everything within the time limit, organizing your project time will help you concentrate on achieving a short burst of productivity.