2016年9月4日 星期日


  1. 努力改善。一旦你認知自己的弱點,設法改善它。給自己找個導師,要求老闆或是同事給予強勢的監督,糾正自己的錯誤。或是,乾脆去上課。
  2. 轉包。將自己放在你最能表現優勢的工作角色上,將你不擅長的工作指派給能夠做好工作的屬下,或是外包給有能力的團隊。
  3. 另謀出路。如果以上的方式都行不通,就到了你自己必須另謀出路的時候了。待在一個你老是得裝模作樣,設法掩飾自己弱點的崗位,不是長久的辦法。
How to deal with your weaknesses? 
Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. You'd better be honest about your weaknesses. 
What do we do? 
  1. Try to improve. Once you know your weakness, try to improve it. Find yourself a mentor, ask your boss or colleagues to give strong supervision, correct their mistakes. Or, just go to class. 
  2. Subcontract. Place yourself in the role that you are best at, assign work that you are not good at, or outsource it to a team that is able to do it well. 
  3. Find another way out. If none of the above works, it's time for you to find your own way out. Staying in a position where you have to pretend all the time and try to hide your weaknesses is not a permanent solution.

