2016年9月6日 星期二


  1. 擱下工作。強迫自己暫時擱下工作,出去喝杯咖啡,或是到附近公園散散步。晚上與週末都不要再加班,做些其他與工作無關的活動。
  2. 不要帶工作回家。不要帶筆記電腦回家,將所有與工作相關的電子文件與電子郵件都留在公司的電腦上。
  3. 找到一個新樂趣。你花愈多時間在與工作不相關的事情上,你就沒有多餘的時間來煩惱工作上的事情。
  4. 恢復正能量。也許你一時無法解決困難的工作,但是你可以想想哪些工作是你拿手可以做的,先處理幾件,讓自己不致於落入一事無成的更大挫折。或是,你一時無法從正在交惡的人際關係中恢復,但是你可以在辦公室里找到願意讓你傾訴情緒的其他朋友,發洩過後,你會感到好多了。
Come out of the low tide of work
When you are in a low ebb tide, especially when there is a conflict of interpersonal relationships, or when your body feels uncomfortable, it's hard to concentrate on your work.
Please follow the following ways to get out of the low ebb of work:
  1. Lay down the work. Force yourself to temporarily lay off your work, go out for a cup of coffee, or take a walk in a nearby park. Don't work overtime at night or weekend. Do other activities that are not related to work.
  2. Do not take work home. Don't bring your notebook home and leave all the electronic files and e-mail related to the work on the company's computer.
  3. Find a new interest. You spend more time on things that don't relate to your job, so you don't have much time to worry about work.
  4. Restore positive energy. Maybe you can’t solve the difficult job for a moment, but you can think of what work you can do and handle a few things first, so that you don't fall into a bigger setback. Or, you can't recover from the interpersonal relationship that is being evil, but you can find other friends who are willing to let you talk in the office, and you'll feel better after the vent.

