- 給予同情。先不要對他貶抑。先試著用他的角度來瞭解狀況。也許是他也在他的老闆給予的強大壓力下。或許,是他也還在學習他自己必須的工作能力。
- 建立起防線。讓他知道你的接受底線,不要讓他的不稱職狀況影響到你的情緒、你的健康、正常工作安排,和正常的生活作息。
- 換跑道。如果一切手段都使盡了,情況還是沒有改善,那麼就確實必須考慮轉換職位了。設法在公司裡找一個新的老闆來調職,或是就直接出去找一個新東家吧。不值得讓自己繼續受折磨。
How to cooperate with an incompetent boss?
people will often complain about her boss. But the fact is that working with an
incompetent boss can be frustrating and irritating.
deal with the following ways:
- Give compassion. Don't belittle him first. Try to use his perspective to understand the situation. Maybe he was under the pressure of his boss. Perhaps he is also learning his ability to work.
- Establish a defensive line. Let him know the bottom line of your acceptance. Don't let his incompetence affect your mood, your health, your normal work schedule, and your normal routine.
- Change the runway. If everything is done and the situation does not improve, then you really have to consider changing jobs. Try to find a new boss in the company to transfer, or go straight out to find a new employer. It's not worth continuing to suffer.