你可以去參加一些企業財務課程,或是請具有財務知識的朋友指導你。公司內的財務專家會有足夠的知識與經驗來提供你所需要的知識。通常來說,你的直屬主管最能夠告訴你,你所需要的財務知識,並且向你解釋和你職務最相關的經營指標的意義。Build your basic financial knowledge
managers do not understand financial figures and have no basic financial
knowledge. This makes it difficult for them to participate in financial related
discussions and difficult to make business strategies.
can take part in some corporate finance courses, or ask friends who have
financial knowledge to guide you. The financial experts in the company will
have enough knowledge and experience to provide the knowledge you need.
Generally speaking, your direct supervisor can tell you the financial knowledge
you need, and explain to you the meaning of the most relevant business
indicators of your job.