2016年9月9日 星期五



Change your attitude with your boss
If you feel like you're in a company where you're not motivated by your boss or where you're vulnerable to setbacks, think differently, this may be a good company.
Many people are unhappy because they do not adapt to the leadership style of their superiors. Instead of pulling away from such a supervisor or switching to another job, take this opportunity to think deeply. Try to accept situations that you can't change first, that is, your boss's leadership style. But focus on the areas you can control yourself, that is, how you must cooperate with the boss.
For example, if your boss likes to do everything himself, don't reject him, but invite him to join you. He likes to ask about everything anyway, so you can ask him more about his experience and form of thinking, and his knowledge.
On the contrary, if your boss is the one who stands by and doesn't know how to motivate you. That way, you can find ways to motivate yourself from the job itself, or from your co-workers. Then, you can give back to your boss what motivates you most. You can let him know what he can do to improve team morale.

