2016年9月7日 星期三


多數人在職業發展初期多半會找比他資歷多幾年,有專業技能的人來當他的導師。 但是,專家并不能教你所有的知識。並且,通常他們並非日以繼夜的看著你日常的工作,因此也不一定能夠解決你所有面臨的問題。

Don't just find an expert to be a tutor
Most of them will be in the early stages of their career to find someone who has more qualifications than him. But experts don't teach you all the knowledge. Moreover, they usually do not watch your daily work day and night, so you may not be able to solve all the problems you face.
You should find a few more different tutors. Some can meet the needs of your daily work, and some will tell you what new challenges you will meet in the future and give you appropriate guidance.

