2016年9月6日 星期二


你只要每天抱持這樣的練習20 ~ 30分鐘,你會讓你的頭腦即使受到了壓力,也還能夠保持安定的狀態。你不會一受到刺激就激動著急。

Meditate to make the mind clear
Every supervisor is faced with excitement, frustration and impatience. Under such emotional disturbance, it is difficult for him to concentrate on his thoughts and make wise decisions.
To clear your mind, you must retrain it.
You can find a quiet place that is not easy to be disturbed, sit down comfortably, relax all the muscles on your body, and breathe slowly and deeply, letting your mind free all thoughts from any sound. Let all the minor disturbances stay away from you. You just need to gently watch your breath and let it breathe slowly and steadily.
As long as you hold such practice for 20 to 30 minutes every day, you will keep your mind in a stable state even under pressure. You will not be excited by the excitement.

