2016年9月5日 星期一


其次,先設法將你回來上班的第一天早晨,儘可能空下來,不要安排會議或是拜會活動。先想想你預備處理事情的優先次序。然後,再打開你的電子郵件信箱。 依照你預訂的處理順序,查明是否在你休假期間又有其他重要的新項目,然後,再依據重要性,一一辦理。對於不重要的事項,先暫時擱置。

Get back to work after a vacation
After a long period of work, I managed to arrange a vacation for myself, and relaxed a few days of agreeable life. However, after all, it still needs to be restored to work. There will be a lot of things waiting for you on the first day of the vacation to the office. There will be a long list of letters waiting to read and replies, a stack of documents, and a lot of people waiting to see you in the email. With all these thoughts, it's hard for you to get away with the good spirits during your vacation.
Don't be flurried at first.
First of all, please recall what unimportant matters before you take your vacation. Who did you hand over to? If you don't take over before you take your vacation, these things may be the top priority, waiting for you to come back. If you have an agent, you must check the status of him first.
Next, try to empty the first morning of your return to work, not to arrange meetings or to attend meetings. Think about the priorities you're preparing to deal with. Then, open your mail box again. According to the order of processing you book, find out whether there are other important new items during your vacation, and then proceed according to the importance. For matters that are not important, put aside for the time being.
You must be mentally prepared and wait for your work to be done. It may take several days to clear up. Therefore, after the arrangement is arranged, the easiness is handled according to the order.

