2016年9月9日 星期五


  1. 激發出老闆的優點。找出老闆比別人具有優勢的強點,安排讓他表現,用他的優點協助你推動工作。例如,你的老闆即使對日常性工作不專業,但是很會描繪願景,點出產業發展的前景與價值。那麼,你可以請老闆和你一起拜會客戶,讓他去激勵客戶。
  2. 傾聽並學習。許多老闆只會描繪願景,但是不知道如何建立起可執行的方案。他可能會將你的行動方案批評得一文不值。 儘管如此,請先不要激動,你可以先壓抑住你的憤慨。先傾聽他的評論。你可以從中找到一些有價值的資訊,激發出你的新靈感,改進你的行動方案。
Even if it's a bad boss, I'll do it well
People in the workplace have such experience. If they encounter a rotten boss, he can't effectively drive team development. Your work morale has been hit by the idea of going up and hanging up from time to time.
Before you are ready to deliver your resignation, you may change your attitude to see that even if he is a rotten boss, I should make good use of it.
  1. Motivates the boss. Find out the strong points that the boss has more advantages than others, arrange for him to perform, and use his advantages to help you push the work. For example, even if your boss is not professional in daily work, it will depict the vision and point out the future and value of industrial development. Well, you can ask your boss to join you and let him encourage customers.
  2. Listen and learn. Many bosses only describe their vision, but do not know how to set up an executable plan. He may criticize your action plan for nothing. Nevertheless, please don't get excited. You can suppress your indignation first. Listen to his comments first. You can find valuable information from it, stimulate your new inspiration and improve your action plan.

