2016年9月9日 星期五


  1. 先接受老闆的觀點。你不可能在未瞭解一個人的觀點前,就要求他接受你的觀點。在提出你的觀點前,先瞭解老闆平常優先關切什麼。例如,他很在乎公司如何在新事業中拿下第一個項目,那麼,你就不要試圖告訴他這個新事業的前景有多大,而直接告訴他你第一個項目是什麼,你預備如何組織與用什麼策略進行這個項目。只要你確實成功的拿下這個項目,他有了對成功模式的瞭解,自然會去弄清楚這個新事業的產業規模有多大,並開始與你談如何複製成功的模式。
  2. 用他偏好的形式做報告。想想看你的老闆喜歡如何接受資訊,他是偏好概念式的報告,還是偏好數字類的報告。用他喜歡的形式作報告。
  3. 讓他親臨現場。沒有什麼比身歷其境更有說服力了。例如,我這個老闆很想知道真正客戶的性質是如何的,我上周就帶他一起親自去拜訪客戶,他在旁邊就可以觀察到客戶的實際狀況是如何,而我又是如何銷售產品給客戶的,他從我的銷售語言與產品展示中,也更能夠明白我們產品的價值與賣點,也能夠體會一名業務員在客戶面前所面臨的困難是什麼。這次客戶拜訪一結束,老闆就拼命問我其他客戶的狀況,而我也順水推舟地全面介紹說明了公司業務的形勢。
How do you get your boss to accept your opinion?
I recently found myself a chairman to be my own boss. The direct benefits are: to learn from the wise, to compel themselves to write reports, to organize their thoughts, to expand the resources that the company needs by the prestige of the chairman, and so on.
However, since he is the boss, he can't avoid each other's point of view and there is a gap. Sometimes, he will face the situation of how to let the boss accept my point of view.
A few times hand down, there is a little bit of mind:
  1. First accept the boss's point of view. It is impossible for you to ask him to accept your views before you understand a person's point of view. Before you put forward your opinion, let's know what your boss cares about first. For example, he cares about how the company takes the first project in a new career. Then you don't try to tell him how big the prospect of the new career is, and tell him directly what your first project is and how you plan to organize and use the strategy to carry out the project. As long as you do succeed in taking this project, he has an understanding of the success model, and will naturally find out how large the new business is, and begin to talk to you about how to copy success.
  2. Make a report in the form of his preference. Think about how your boss likes information, whether he prefers conceptual reports or preference for digital reports. Make a report in the form he likes.
  3. Let him go to the scene. Nothing is more convincing than being able to experience it. For example, my boss wants to know what the nature of a real customer is, and I took him to visit a client personally last week. He could see how the client's actual situation was, and how I sold the product to the customer, and he could understand us more from my sales language and product display. The value and selling point of products can also understand the difficulties faced by a salesperson in front of customers. At the end of this customer visit, the boss asked me all the other customers' situation, and I also introduced the situation of the company in a comprehensive way.

