2016年9月4日 星期日


有的時候,分一點心力去瀏覽新的觀念,能夠讓你在回到工作時會有新的觀點。 例如,花幾分鐘時間看看Facebook,可以讓你獲得新知識,新觀點,可以帶著新的心情來回到工作。因此,你可以帶著正面的態度去分心吸收一些新觀點。

Embrace the distraction
Many professional experts will stress the importance of concentration and think distraction will reduce productivity. However, when the world becomes more diverse, can we really not distract ourselves from other trends that are changing? Not all distractions are negative.
Sometimes, a little effort to browse new ideas will enable you to come back to work with new ideas. For example, taking a few minutes to look at Facebook can give you new knowledge, new ideas, and a new mood to return to work. Therefore, you can take a positive attitude to distract and absorb some new ideas.

