2016年9月9日 星期五


要說服一名上級主管接受一個新的構想并不容易,尤其是如果他是一名多疑者。 要克服他的猜忌,你必須調整你的風格。
  1. 與一名受信任者一起報告。多疑者對於任何會挑戰他們的觀點的資訊都會持著高度的懷疑態度。如果你能夠找到一名他願意信任的人一起提出報告,可以增加他接受你的構想的成功機會。
  2. 展示你獲得的支持。你可以盡量去取得其他人對你的支持,提高你的信用度。
  3. 讓他自行判斷。多疑者通常喜歡被吹捧。你可以這樣說:“我相信你已經看過這份資料了…..”
How to persuade suspicious executives?
It is not easy to persuade a superior to accept a new idea, especially if he is a skeptic. To overcome his jealousy, you must adjust your style.
Here are some ways of influencing paranoia:
  1. Report with a trusted person. Skeptics are highly skeptical of any information that challenges their views. If you can find someone he's willing to trust to report together, you can increase his chances of accepting your idea.
  2. Show your support. You can try to get other people's support for you and improve your credibility.
  3. Let him judge for himself. Paranoia usually likes to be touted. You can say this: "I believe you have read the information. .. "

