- 等待或是要求准許發言。不要隨意開出一長串要求老闆可以做得更好的清單。你要注意和老闆的上下層級關係。最好等他開口問你,或是問他是否可以向他報告。
- 聚焦在如何協助她。提供如何可以協助她解決問題的意見上,避免給她一個印象如果你是老闆會如何做。
- 當情況不妙時,閉上你的嘴。如果你已經感覺到老闆不會接受你的意見,或是不接受建設性的批評,你最好閉嘴。另外找一個恰當的時機來提供回饋。
able to work closely with a person can show you this person's performance.
That's true of your boss. But how to give back to your boss is challenging.
how to share your thoughts with your boss and when you should remain silent:
- Waiting for or asking for permission to speak. Don't leave a list of lists that employers can do better. You have to pay attention to the upper and lower levels of the boss. It's best if he asks you or asks if he can report to him.
- Focus on how to assist her. Give advice on how to help her solve problems, avoid giving her an impression if you are the boss how to do it.
- When the situation is not good, close your mouth. If you already feel that the boss will not accept your opinion or refuse to accept constructive criticism, you'd better shut up. Find an appropriate time to provide feedback.