2016年9月9日 星期五


  1.  瞭解公司策略形成的目標與背景。一個公司的策略形成通常有複雜的政治因素。不要以為你知道為什麼或是這個策略是如何發展出來的。先用你的人脈關係去查明其中的決策發展過程與決策成立的條件因素。
  2. 明確你的顧慮是什麼。問自己為什麼要反對這個策略。是因為你拒絕改變嗎?是因為你知道的更多嗎?確實弄清楚自己反對的真實理由是什麼。
  3. 先請教他人。問問你可以信任的同儕,向他們解釋你的顧慮,並聽聽他們是否有相同的顧慮,以及他們有什麼想法。他們給你的回饋,會讓你獲得有價值的觀點。
Before you disagree with the company strategy, ask yourself three questions
No strategy is perfect, just as you disagree with the company's strategy. But before you express your disagreement, ask yourself three questions.
  1. Understand the objectives and background of corporate strategy formation. The formation of a company's strategy usually involves complex political factors. Don't think you know why or how this strategy developed. First use your personal connections to identify the decision making process and the conditions of decision making.
  2. Make sure what your concerns are. Ask yourself why you want to oppose this strategy. Is it because you refuse to change? Is it because you know more? Indeed, find out the real reasons for your objection.
  3. Consult others first. Ask your trusted peers, explain your concerns to them, and hear if they share them, and what they think. The feedback they give you will give you valuable ideas.

