2016年9月9日 星期五


因此,你應該協助你的老闆去更明白他的老闆期待什麼,並且設法去滿足老闆的老闆的需求。 這樣的認知能夠讓你知道如何讓你的直屬老闆的工作績效更有效率,能夠讓他在他的老闆面前更閃耀發光。 

Know your boss's boss
Smart employees understand that if her boss is successful, good things will follow: her department will have better opportunities for development, opportunities to gain more resources, even the vacant positions left by the boss for promotion, and so on.
Therefore, you should help your boss understand what his boss expects and try to meet the boss's boss's needs. Such knowledge enables you to know how to make your boss's work performance more efficient and make him shine brighter in front of his boss.
You can tell him that he collects relevant information, helps him organize useful reports, so that he can turn it up and get the reuse of big boss. You don't need to let him say these are your contributions, but it's good for him to get important opportunities.

