2016年9月4日 星期日


  1. 專注而明確。將你想要去做的事項清楚明白的記下來,並且專注去實現。你應該將每件想要實現的目標都訂下必須花費的時間,以及預訂完成的日期。如此,能夠讓你能夠確實有把握的去實現。
  2. 做你想去做的事,而不要浪費在你不想做的事。想想看,日常有哪些事是與你想要做的事情是不太相關的,儘量迴避它。
  3. 了解自己的能量。不要太貪心,給自己安排了超限的工作量,那樣不僅會傷害到你的健康,更會讓你很快就疲憊、無趣,再也提不起精力打拼。你應該適度調節你的工作量,維持在既可以維持緊張度,又在你的能量範圍內。
  4. 適時獎勵自己。你可以將工作切割成許多片斷,每按時完成一部份,就給自己適度的獎勵,讓自己維持滿足而有成就的狀態。如此,你可以一直持續前進,達成你所設定的大目標。
How to improve your chances of success?
Whether a person can achieve something or not has nothing to do with his birth or talent, but it has much to do with what he has done.
The following ways can make your ugly duckling Swan:
  1. Focus and be clear. Write down what you want to do clearly and focus on achieving it. You should set time and date for each goal you want to achieve. In this way, you can really achieve certainty.
  2. Do what you want to do instead of wasting what you don't want to do. Think about what daily things are not very relevant to what you want to do, and try to avoid it.
  3. Know your energy. Don't be too greedy. Set up an excessive workload for yourself. It will not only hurt your health, but also make you tired and dull soon. You can't afford to work hard any more. You should moderately adjust your workload to maintain both tension and energy levels.
  4. Reward yourself at the right time. You can cut your work into many pieces, and give yourself a modest reward every time you finish a part on time, so that you can maintain a state of contentment and achievement. In this way, you can keep moving forward and achieve the goals you set.

