- 自我檢討。問問自己,是否經常話到嘴邊而沒有說出口?自己是否有常常寧可充當和氣先生來避免衝突呢?
- 獲得回饋。問問一些自己信得過的朋友或同事,是否注意到自己的假裝和氣態度,是否真的有助於化解實際的問題?他們可能可以看到一些你自己沒有察覺到的實際癥兆。
- 嘗試改變自己。你不需要要求自己立刻改變。你可以試著在會議上拒絕對方的請求,然後看看事情會如何發生變化。你可以讓對方理解你希望有個比較好的解決方案。如此,可以展現出你的誠意。
most offices, people tend to avoid conflicts with others and pretend to be Mr.
friendly. However, if we do not face actual disputes, we will not make clear
the problems, but will create a lot of complexity and anxiety.
can we transform conflicts into constructive relationships?
- Self-review. Ask yourself, do you often talk to your mouth without saying anything? Do I often prefer to act as a good mood to avoid conflict?
- Get feedback. Ask your friends or colleagues who you trust, do you notice that your pretense and gaseous degree really help to solve practical problems? They may be able to see some real signs that you are not aware of.
- Try to change yourself. You don't need to ask yourself to change immediately. You can try to refuse your request at the meeting and see how things will change. You can let the other person understand that you want a better solution. In this way, you can show your sincerity.