2016年9月6日 星期二


  1.  堅持並宣揚光明面。有正面能量的人,積極宣揚他看到的正面價值。就如政治家總是告訴選民,執行那些公共政策,會帶給人民幸福與平安。宗教領袖,告訴信徒信主得平安。企業家向客戶、員工、投資者宣揚企業的光明前景。
  2. 化危機為轉機。有正面能量的人,他隨時說,“我們可以搞定!”他們不是如鴕鳥般將困難視而不見聽而不聞,但是他們不願意停留在負面狀態中。【正面思考】、【信心產生力量】,這些好像是陳腔濫調,但是能夠成功的人,絕對不是迂腐的呆瓜。他先心存必勝能勝的決心,然後傾聽事實,分析資訊,找到癥結,對症下藥,並對所有相關的人詳細說明,取得支持,更取得合作解決問題的承諾。
  3. 快速反應,積極行動。有正面能量的人,絕對不會拖延。他也許不會有時間告訴你那些事情不能做的細節,但是他不會讓事情停滯不進展。他會快速回復郵件或是電話,即使某些事情他還無法及時處理。但是人們會因為他這個積極態度而提供更多的資訊與人脈,這會讓他做好更正確的判斷,與取得更多的資源。
Positive energy lets you move to the road to success
Why did someone succeed? Will anyone be in a low career?
We all have such experience. When a successful entrepreneur or a senior executive enters a conference room, the mood of the participants is immediately inspired by him or heated with the focus of his attention. When you receive his mail, you can always feel his enthusiasm and positive attitude.
The problem is that there are enthusiastic people everywhere. Why do most people fail to succeed?
Therefore, positive enthusiasm alone can not guarantee the success of life. The positive energy must be maintained for a long time.
The positive energy of a successful person should consist of the following elements:
  1. Adhere to and publicize the bright side. People with positive energy actively publicize the positive value he sees. Just like politicians always tell voters that implementing those public policies will bring happiness and peace to the people. Religious leaders tell the believers to believe in the peace of the Lord. Entrepreneurs promote the bright future of enterprises to customers, employees and investors.
  2. The crisis is a turning point. A person with positive energy, he always says, "we can do it!" They are not as ostriches will be difficult to turn a blind eye, but they are not willing to stay in the negative state. [positive thinking] [confidence power], these are cliches, but those who can succeed are definitely not pedantic. He first had the determination to win, then he listened to the facts, analyzed the information, found the crux, the remedy, and gave all the relevant people a detailed description, support, and more cooperative commitment to solve the problem.
  3. Quick response, active action. People with positive energy will never procrastinate. He may not have time to tell you details of things that can not be done, but he will not let things stop. He will respond quickly to e-mail or phone calls, even though he can't handle certain things in time. But people will provide more information and connections because of his positive attitude, which will enable him to make more accurate judgments and gain more resources.

