2015年10月19日 星期一


  1. 承認偏見。自覺自己會有偏好來判斷與處理事情。當我們收到新的消息時,很可能會以以往偏狹的觀點來看新的狀況或是問題。要克服這個偏見,可以從改變自己的假設開始,或是用不同的條件來測試是否會得到不同的觀點。
  2. 事後諸葛。即使採取事後的檢查,也能夠讓你發現之前的決定可能過於簡化。多做事後的檢查,能夠讓你改進往後的決策品質。
Overcome Blind Area
We all have blind spots, or cognitive biases, but how do we overcome our own unconscious weaknesses?
First of all, we should recognize that only the self can perceive that there will be blind spots, and that is the key to improving leadership. To improve our blind spots and prejudices, we should start with the following actions:
  1.  Recognize bias. They will have a preference to self judgement and disposition of business. When we receive the latest news, the past is likely to narrow view of new situations or problems. To overcome this bias, can begin to change their assumptions, or use a different test to get different views.
  2. Afterwards wisdom. Even taking a postmortem check can also make you find that the decisions you've made before may be too simplistic. Doing more postmortem checks can improve your decision quality.

