2015年10月24日 星期六


  1. 維持間歇休息。每隔90 ~120分鐘,離開你的座位,去走動一下, 喝杯水,至少要舒張一下你的腿部。
  2. 向周遭的人說聲謝謝。讓自己保持在正向態度,可以提高你的生理機能。請經常向你周遭的說聲謝謝,從他們對你回饋的微笑中,獲得你的能量。
  3. 儘量避免被人打斷。要將一件工作做好,你必須很專注,不能被電話或郵件所中斷,若是老是被打斷工作,你也會很累。因此,請在每天安排一個特定的時段來回應你的資訊。
  4. 做你喜歡做的事。瞭解你做什麼是你最擅長,也最喜歡做的事,將它做好來。如此,你也會有更多機會取得你的主導權,讓你工作起來更輕鬆。
Managing your physical energy is better than managing your time
There are many books to teach you how to use your time efficiently. However, the requirements of modern enterprise staff is more and more, will make you exhausted, this is not how you manage time effectively can handle it. You must be the focus of attention to how to manage your own physical energy.
Here are four tips to help you manage your physical energy wisely:
  1. Maintain intermission. Leave your seat every 90 ~120 minutes, go for a walk, drink a glass of water, or at least relax your legs.
  2. Say "thank you" to the people around you. Keep yourself in the positive attitude and improve your physical function. Please always say "thank you" to your surroundings and get your energy from the smiles that they give you.
  3. Try to avoid being interrupted. To do a good job, you must be very focused, cannot be interrupted by telephone or mail, if always interrupted work, you will be very tired. So, please arrange a specific time every day in response to your information.
  4. Do what you like. Know what you do best, what you like best and do it well. So you will have more opportunities to gain your lead and make it easier for you to work.

