是你在控制工作時間,還是工作在控制你? 許多人因為在老是加班很晚而受到身心傷害.
下一次, 當你又想要在辦公桌上吃晚飯前, 請作以下思考:
- 了解你的優先次序. 在作決定究竟是要加班來完成一件工作,還是先擱下來明天再處理, 先想想你的優先次序.如果完成這件工作可以提高你的專業能力以及個人的目標,那麼就值得多花一些時間去做完它.
- 記住家人對你的期待. 讓你最親密的人,包含配偶、老闆、夥伴等,知道你對工作與家庭生活的想法,確保你的作息與你的期待能夠一致。
- 檢討加班的必要。自己要明白要加班應該要有合理性,例如對客戶做出承諾的時限。但是,要注意這樣做只是例外,而非常態。
Are you controlling your work time or are you controlling your work? Many people suffer physical and mental harm because they work too late
Next time you want to eat late at night on your desk, think the following:
- Know your priorities. In deciding whether to work overtime to complete a work, or put down tomorrow, think about your priorities. If you complete this work can improve your professional ability and personal goals, then it is worth to spend some time to finish it.
- Remember what your family expects of you. Let your closest people, including your spouse, boss, and partner. Know your thoughts about your work and family life, and make sure that your routines are consistent with your expectations.、
- Review the need to work overtime. We must understand that overtime should be reasonable, such as the time limit for making commitments to customers, but it should be noted that this is only an exception, not a normal one.