2015年10月20日 星期二


Build up your Think Tank
Having good mentors is often an important pillar of your career progress.
But the traditional 1 to 1 apprenticeship is out of date. In today's rapidly changing and challenging business, you need to build up a personal think tank and incorporate a number of good mentors into your think tank. You can get wise advice or feedback from your think tank on a regular or irregular basis.
You can choose experts and mentors in different fields according to your needs. They have more knowledge and experience in their field of expertise than you. When necessary, introduce them to each other. In this way, any one of them will, when receiving your support needs, measure your expertise with others and combine them to give you the appropriate feedback.
You don't have to call regular meetings, but you should keep in touch, and you can get the right feedback when you need them.

