2015年10月20日 星期二


  1. 改善自己最後的條件。當你收到資遣裁員通知時,你總要為自己多爭一些好的條件吧?!那麼,你平時就應該記錄你在工作上的表現,將你的成就與貢獻條列出來,並且要定期讓你的主管承認。這樣的記錄,可以讓你的主管多考慮是否必要將你也列入黑名單中,或是應該為你多爭取一些較佳的資遣條件。
  2. 開始不同的工作方式。如果你預測那一天終究會到來,那麼,就應該開始準備迎接新生活。你要預想什麼是你可能選擇的下一個工作,它需要哪些新的工作技能。你可以開始改變用新的工作方式來處理眼前的工作,讓自己逐漸能夠調適。這樣做也可以減輕你對噩夢的恐懼
  3. 重建你的人脈關係。無論是你有困惑,或是想要知道產業趨勢,或是預備請朋友推薦新的工作機會,此刻是你必須更重視你的人脈網的時候了。打個電話,約朋友出來聊聊,他們可以傾聽你的困難,給你一些意見,并分享他們看到的一些外部形勢。必要時提出你的具體請求
  4. 關注你的家人。不要太自責。這不是你的錯。但是面對可能的生活變化,確實會影響到你的家人。你應該將自己的心情與想法告訴家人。他們是你最好的支持,也會讓你知道他們預備如何配合你的新生活。
  5. 給自己放個假。這個時候,有些事情可能非自己能夠掌控了。不妨出去走走,讓自己在大自然優雅的環境中冷靜下來。你會傾聽你自己聲音,回顧在時間的長河中自己的得與失,思索自己的未來。
How to prepare for the possible arrival of severance layoffs?
No one likes such bad luck to happen to me. Anxious and fearful suspicion and fear, is like nightmare to let you more and more at a loss.
Please calm down first and refer to the following ways that will help you feel more peaceful:
  1. Improve your final condition. When you receive a severance layoff notice, you always want more for yourself for some good conditions?! Well, you should keep track of your performance at work, list your accomplishments and contributions, and regularly ask your supervisor to recognize them. This record, you can let the director consider whether it is necessary to you blacklist, or more should strive for better conditions for your severance.
  2. Start different ways of working. If you predict that day will come eventually, you should start preparing for a new life. What are the next jobs you might choose and what new job skills do you need?. You can begin to change the way you deal with your current job in a new way, and gradually adjust yourself. Doing so can also reduce your fear of nightmares.
  3. Rebuild your connections. Whether you're confused, or want to know about industry trends, or prepare new jobs for friends, it's time you got more attention to your network. Make a phone call, ask a friend to come out for a chat, they can listen to your difficulties, give you some advice, and share some of the external situations they see. Put forward your specific request when necessary.
  4. Pay attention to your family. Don't blame yourself too much. It's not your fault. But in the face of possible changes in your life, it does affect your family. You should tell your family about your feelings and thoughts. They are your best support and will let you know how they plan to fit in with your new life.
  5. Give yourself a vacation. At this point, some things may be beyond your control. Go for a walk and calm yourself down in the elegant surroundings of nature. You will listen to your voice, review your gains and losses in the long course of time, and think about your future.

