- 保持警惕。注意你周遭正在發生什麽事,並且採取對應行動。但是,不要發狂,發狂只會阻礙你做出好決策的能力。
- 專注在“必須做”的項目上。如果你的代辦事項長到要氾濫成災了,你很容易感到無助。你必須決定哪些是絕對必須辦理的事項,專注處理這些項目。但是,你要避免讓迫在眉睫、要火燒屁股的事情進入你必須辦理的清單上。 你應該將這些工作與那些能夠確保你公司能夠長期生存的其他項目做好平衡管理。
- 問問別人他們是如何處置的。表現出你對他人的關切。雖然你不一定能夠解決他人的問題,他們也不一定能夠解決你的問題,但是你可以多聽聽他們的故事,如此,能夠讓你比較不會感到要孤獨面對自己的困難。
The economic
downturn would easily make you angry? Sounds reasonable, economic pressure, and
people feel the same way. When things get bad, it's easy to show off our worst.
Here are some tips
to keep you cool under increasing pressure:
- Stay alert. Pay attention to what is going on around you and act accordingly. But don't be crazy. Going crazy can only hinder your ability to make good decisions.
- Focus on what you have to do. If you want to do a long flood disaster, you can easily feel helpless. You have to decide what is absolutely necessary, and focus on the projects. But you should avoid letting the impending fire butt go into the list you have to do. You should balance these jobs with other projects that will ensure that your company can survive for a long time.
- Ask people what they do with it. Show your concern for others. Although you may not be able to solve their problems, they may not be able to solve your problem, but you can listen to their stories, so that can make you feel more lonely to face their own difficulties.