2015年10月16日 星期五



Identify three most critical elements that will affect your career
Only enthusiasm and job skills do not guarantee your long-term success. However, regular review of key elements of your work can help you step beyond your peers and build the foundation for long-term success.
To develop your ability to succeed, you can begin to examine what key elements of your current job are critical to your long-term success. You can look at and think about what skills, knowledge, ways of work, and support resources you have in your current job. You can build up and make yourself unique
These elements, and perhaps your current lack of ability, require you to learn or practice more or must gradually build up. But you should find out, and set up a schedule, and implement them one by one.
You should use your time to focus on these 70% key capabilities, and block out other non-significant content which will tempt you to distraction.
Of course, you'll have to check the list regularly and update it after more rigorous analysis.

