2018年12月28日 星期五


  • 家庭關係
  • 我自己在網上找到的
  • 大學職業中心
  • 通過參與課外活動發現
  • 人脈關係
  • 人脈成分











2018年12月24日 星期一


  • 你可以要求更多:如果你已經完成分配的任務,就自願參加額外的工作和項目。或者,更好的是,生成一個有用的項目或任務的清單,並詢問您的經理是否可以繼續執行它們。
  • 自信:如果可能的話,儘早和你的經理見面,以獲得期望的感覺。記住,這個實習是雙向的:如果你知道你有興趣與某些人見面或完成某些簡歷上值得完成的任務,那麼就提到你的經理吧——經理的工作之一就是確保你有有意義的經歷。(但是,要知道,辦公室裏的人通常工作過度,而不是工作不足。)所以要尊重你佔用的時間。)
  • 不要顯得無聊:根據你的職責,這可能是一個挑戰。無論工作多麼乏味,都不要讓它出現在你的臉上或你的態度上。在會議期間不要檢查你的手機(除非那是你的工作職責的一部分)或者辦公桌上的社交媒體。

2018年12月11日 星期二



If an Employee Has Too Much Grunt Work, Shake Up Their Routine
Every job contains some grunt work. If you manage someone who thinks they have more than their fair share, consider ways to change up their responsibilities.
You might, for example, impose a time constraint on an unglamorous task: Tell them the previous week’s data needs to be compiled and reported by Monday at 4 PM. Expect some pushback, since the employee is likely to say they can’t complete the work in half the time. But ask them to at least try — a time constraint can turn an unexciting task into an engaging challenge.
You should also consider assigning them some new work. Giving them more-exciting projects will compel them to get through their lower-value work more quickly. And share the burden: If employees see you doing grunt work, they’ll be less likely to complain about it.



If You Commit to Something, Don’t Cancel at the Last Minute
We all overcommit ourselves from time to time. And then, because we feel overwhelmed, we cancel or back out at the last minute. It feels like no big deal — everybody does it, right? But not following through on your commitments, whether by constantly rescheduling meetings or by failing to get back to people when you say you will, erodes your trustworthiness.
Honoring your commitments begins with saying yes only to things you know you can do.
If you’re unsure about a request, ask for time to think things over. And practice saying no so that you’ll be ready to turn someone down when needed. (Think about how you can tactfully but frankly refuse, and then say the words out loud until they feel comfortable.)
By thoughtfully — and honestly — assessing the requests that come your way, you can protect both your schedule and your reputation. 

2018年12月5日 星期三



CEOs: Do You Know What You’ll Do After You Retire?
When senior executives retire, there is no shortage of activities to occupy them — serving on boards, mentoring others, being with family. In fact, deciding what to do with your time can be a bit overwhelming.
To ease the transition into retirement, think through your priorities: Where do you want to focus your time and effort when it comes to business, philanthropy, and family? That way, when opportunities come up, you can assess how they fit your goals.
Write down the number of hours per day, and days per year, that you want to work. (Budget a little extra, since having a portfolio of activities can lead to unexpected time requirements.)
Be sure to allot time for family and your hobbies so that they don’t get crowded out by work commitments. And don’t be afraid to say “no,” or at least “maybe,” to new opportunities. Take it slow, and see what other offers come your way before committing.

2018年11月26日 星期一



Start Getting Ready for Your Vacation a Month in Advance
Have you ever thought that going on vacation isn’t worth it because planning the trip is so stressful? To make it easier to take time off, start the planning process well before you leave.
Three to four weeks beforehand, set aside time to think about logistics, packing, and details. Identify the high-priority items you need to get done before you leave. Then block out time on your calendar to complete the must-do items.
Aim to get them done a week before the trip; that way, you have some wiggle room if unexpected things come up (which they always do). For work tasks that will need attention while you’re gone, talk to a colleague about covering for you. Reach out at least a week in advance to ask for their help.
Write down any deadlines and deliverables they need to know about, as well as contact information for key stakeholders and clients (and for you, if necessary).

2018年11月23日 星期五



Encourage Employees to Learn by Sharing Your Own Growth
As a manager, it’s your job to make sure everyone on your team keeps learning. But beyond encouraging people to take classes and go to conferences, how do you do it?
A good starting point is to talk about your own development. When managers open up about their personal areas for improvement, it becomes more acceptable for everyone else to do the same.
Ask yourself these questions, and share the answers with your team: “What areas do I need to grow the most in? What insights have I found helpful in accomplishing these goals?” And when you come back from a workshop or training, don’t resort to the typical “It was interesting” summary — be specific.
For example, you might say, “I thought I was a good listener, but now I can see that this is a growth area for me. The training showed me new ways to interact with others, and although they aren’t necessarily comfortable for me, I’m going to try them out.”

2018年11月19日 星期一



Learn Something New to Relieve Some Stress
Many people handle work stress by buckling down and powering through. But that’s not a great way to actually relieve your anxiety. Instead, try reframing the stressful situation as a learning opportunity. Learning something new adds to your skill set and knowledge, and helps you develop feelings of competency and growth, which can alleviate feelings of stress.
You can also learn with others. For example, rather than just wrestling with a challenge in your head, get input from colleagues. Discussing a stressful situation with them can reveal hidden insights, either from their backgrounds or from the questions and perspectives they’ll offer. And don’t think of learning as an additional layer of work; think of it as a break from the hard work of getting the task done.
Framing learning as a form of respite can make it more appealing and more likely to create a positive, enjoyable experience.

2018年11月17日 星期六



Have a Bad Boss? Consider Your Options
Having a bad manager can feel like the kiss of death for your career, not to mention your happiness. But there are steps you can take to cope.
First, don’t try to give your manager feedback about their frustrating behavior (bad bosses usually aren’t open to it anyway). Instead, put your energy into making requests for the resources and support you need to do your job. Be specific, and articulate how the request will benefit your manager and the organization.
Another tactic is to find outlets away from work for socializing and reducing stress; a strong support network is crucial for dealing with an emotionally draining environment.
If the situation doesn’t improve over time, consider exploring other opportunities in your organization. Meet with colleagues and managers to find out about positions that might interest you.
And be open to the possibility of quitting. If you dread going to work every day, and if you spend more time thinking about your boss than about work, it may be time to go. 

2018年11月13日 星期二



Build a Network That Challenges Your Point of View
When your network is mostly people whose backgrounds and skill sets are similar to yours, it’s unlikely to help you find new ideas or creative solutions. Diversify your network by connecting with people whose viewpoints, insights, and experiences differ from your own.
When you meet someone new, talk about what you don’t have in common. Ask friends to introduce you to their contacts who have an interesting job or who work in a unique space. In particular, try to meet people who will challenge your assumptions and biases.
If you’re struggling to build your network in the usual ways, create a reason to bring a diverse group together.
For example, a monthly book club can give you the chance to hear a variety of perspectives, as well as to read authors you wouldn’t normally pick up. By making a concerted effort, you can develop a network that both inspires you and pushes you to expand your thinking. 



Shift Your Perspective at Work by Telling Yourself a Different Story
We all tell ourselves stories about work, and these stories shape the way we think, lead, and make decisions. For instance, if the story that runs through your head all day is “Everything’s a battle in this office,” you’re more likely to expect hostility and be primed to attack.
Negative stories like this one generally don’t help you, so consider shifting to a new narrative.
Start by identifying a challenge you’re facing, and then ask: “What is the basic story I’m telling myself about this issue?”
Consider how the story is affecting you and your team. Is it constraining or liberating? If the latter, think about what you’d like to change and how your story needs to shift.
What reimagined (and true) version of the story would be more useful for pursuing your goals or doing things differently? Rewriting a story is often a matter of choosing to see a situation from a different, more-positive, perspective. 

2018年11月11日 星期日


Is It OK to Tell a Lie If Your Intentions Are Good?
People often lie in an attempt to be kind. (“You look great in that outfit!”) When is it OK to tell an innocuous fib, and when is the truth a better bet? Before you tell a white lie, ask yourself if you’re sure it will lead to a better result in the long run. Sometimes the answer will be obvious; in other cases it may not be so clear.
Consider whether the other person prefers comfort or candor, as well as whether they want different things in different situations. If you don’t know, ask.
With colleagues, for example, you could ask what type of feedback they generally appreciate, and when they want to hear tough but constructive criticism. But in most circumstances, as the saying goes, honesty is the best policy.
If you’re not sure what to do, ask a group of people for advice — and if they don’t unanimously agree that a lie is OK, tell the truth. 

2018年11月9日 星期五



Get More. Sleep
When you’re tired, you’re less effective at your job — it’s as simple as that. To prioritize sleep, start by accepting that working more doesn’t necessarily mean you’re doing better work.
Sleep deprivation takes a toll on your cognitive abilities, whether you notice the effects or not. Your caffeine consumption can be a good litmus test: If you need coffee just to make it through the morning, or even the afternoon, that may be a red flag.
Make a plan for how you’re going to sleep more. Some simple ideas: Set an alarm for when you’ll put down your work and leave the office. Stop using devices at least an hour before you go to bed. (Maybe even go to bed early once in a while.) Start the day with a short to-do list of essential tasks — and once it’s done, go home.
Remember, there will always be more work to do tomorrow. 

2018年11月6日 星期二



Getting Better at Handling Disappointments
Disappointments are inevitable and unpleasant —­ a missed promotion, a failed project, a poor investment — but you can always learn something from them.
To constructively deal with your next setback, think through what happened. Distinguish situations that were predictable and preventable from those that were unavoidable and beyond your control.
Ruminating over something that didn’t go your way — and that you couldn’t control — will only frustrate you further.
For situations that you could have handled differently, consider them in positive terms: What can you do differently next time? What lessons can you learn from the mistakes you made? And remind yourself of what’s going well in your life, so you don’t let the disappointment take an outsize role in your brain.
It might sound like a cliché, but keep the setback in perspective — and try to let it go. You may be tempted to play the situation over and over in your head, but staying preoccupied with it will only create unnecessary stress. 

2018年11月4日 星期日



Improve Your Emotional Intelligence with a Specific, Feedback-Based Plan
It’s not always obvious how to improve your emotional intelligence skills, especially because we often don’t know how others perceive us. To figure out where you can improve, start with a reality check: What are the major differences between how you see yourself and how others see you?
You can get this kind of feedback from a 360-degree assessment, a coach, or a skilled manager. Next, consider your goals. Do you want to eventually take on a leadership position? Be a better team member? Consider how your ambitions match up with the skills that others think you need to improve.
Then identify specific actions that you’ll take to improve those skills. Working on becoming a better listener? You might decide that when you’re talking with someone, you won’t reply until you’ve taken the time to pause and check that you understand what they said.
Whatever skill you decide to improve, use every opportunity to practice it, no matter how small. 

2018年11月3日 星期六



The More You Work from Home, the More You Need to Build Relationships with Colleagues
Working from home can be a coveted perk (No commute! No interruptions!), but it can also cut you off from coworkers and your friends at the office. How can you combat loneliness when you work remotely?
First, make sure you see your colleagues’ faces from time to time. Instead of phone calls, use videoconferencing so that you can see the other person. This helps you read their body language, creating a more natural conversation.
Second, don’t skip the small talk. When you work from home, you may try to avoid “wasting time” by keeping the conversation on work topics. But small talk is the cement that creates rapport. So before a meeting starts, ask your colleagues about recent vacations, their kids’ sports matches, or upcoming wedding plans.
These small details can build deeper relationships that are both personally gratifying and professionally beneficial. 

2018年11月1日 星期四



Make Your Out-of-Office Message a Little More Personal
Most of us write our out-of-office messages as we’re running out the door for vacation or a business trip. But putting more thought into what the message says can help you build relationships with the people who try to reach you while you’re away.
Instead of just including the dates when you’re out and who to email in your absence, consider sharing why you’re gone. Where are you going on vacation, and why did you pick that location? What are you learning at the conference?
You can also share a resource that will speak to your audience, like an article or a new piece of research. It could be related to taking a vacation (there are lots of great stats on why time off is so important!) or something that potential clients might be interested in.
A personal — but still professional — message allows you to connect in a new way with colleagues, clients, and vendors.

2018年10月31日 星期三



If a Career Change Would Reduce Your Salary, Try Living on That Salary First
When it comes to a major career change, pay is often a sticking point. Can you afford to switch jobs if you’d be making less money? Eliminate some of the uncertainty by testing out your new salary.
Figure out what you expect to earn, and live on that for two to four months. This will give you a realistic picture of daily life in your new career. If you’d be making significantly less money, think hard about what you could cut back on — meals out, expensive groceries, or TV subscriptions, for example.
At the end of your test, revisit your budget to see how you did. And, of course, check in with your spouse, partner, or other family members to discuss the financial implications of your career change. Setting expectations for what you will, and won’t, be able to afford will leave less room for surprises.