2018年11月3日 星期六



The More You Work from Home, the More You Need to Build Relationships with Colleagues
Working from home can be a coveted perk (No commute! No interruptions!), but it can also cut you off from coworkers and your friends at the office. How can you combat loneliness when you work remotely?
First, make sure you see your colleagues’ faces from time to time. Instead of phone calls, use videoconferencing so that you can see the other person. This helps you read their body language, creating a more natural conversation.
Second, don’t skip the small talk. When you work from home, you may try to avoid “wasting time” by keeping the conversation on work topics. But small talk is the cement that creates rapport. So before a meeting starts, ask your colleagues about recent vacations, their kids’ sports matches, or upcoming wedding plans.
These small details can build deeper relationships that are both personally gratifying and professionally beneficial. 

