你也應該考慮給他們分配一些新的工作。給他們更多令人興奮的項目將迫使他們更快地完成低價值的工作。分擔重擔:如果員工看到你工作很嘮叨,他們就不會抱怨了。If an Employee Has Too Much Grunt Work, Shake Up Their Routine
job contains some grunt work. If you manage someone who thinks they have more
than their fair share, consider ways to change up their responsibilities.
might, for example, impose a time constraint on an unglamorous task: Tell them
the previous week’s data needs to be compiled and reported by Monday at 4 PM.
Expect some pushback, since the employee is likely to say they can’t complete
the work in half the time. But ask them to at least try — a time constraint can
turn an unexciting task into an engaging challenge.
should also consider assigning them some new work. Giving them more-exciting
projects will compel them to get through their lower-value work more quickly.
And share the burden: If employees see you doing grunt work, they’ll be less
likely to complain about it.