在測試結束時,重新審視你的預算,看看你是如何做到的。當然,和你的配偶、夥伴或其他家庭成員商量一下你職業改變的經濟影響。設定對你所期望的和不能承受的期望,將給你驚喜,你可以為自己留下更少的空間。If a Career Change Would Reduce Your Salary, Try Living on That Salary First
it comes to a major career change, pay is often a sticking point. Can you
afford to switch jobs if you’d be making less money? Eliminate some of the
uncertainty by testing out your new salary.
out what you expect to earn, and live on that for two to four months. This will
give you a realistic picture of daily life in your new career. If you’d be
making significantly less money, think hard about what you could cut back on —
meals out, expensive groceries, or TV subscriptions, for example.
the end of your test, revisit your budget to see how you did. And, of course,
check in with your spouse, partner, or other family members to discuss the
financial implications of your career change. Setting expectations for what you
will, and won’t, be able to afford will leave less room for surprises.